
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Another Randomness

OK, new update! After more than a month...I finally update(d) this blog again at the end of this year. Well, here we go! I'll start with..... 

21st December 2012
You know about the date, don't you? I bet you all knew about this, ha!, what do they call it? The doomsday? or apocalypse? or...yeah whatever you call it. Ha! Proved! It DID NOT happen! Even a catastrophe didn't happen during that day (thank God, you still give us time to repent). Well, actually I was and am sure the ... doomsday (as I call it) would not happen on 21st December 2012 because to what I believe, the doomsday is always unknown and no one will ever know when it will happen. It's our God secret. So, on that day I just sat on the edge of my bed watching TV which was full of Doomsday-related-news including what people had done to face the apparently-a-normal-21st December 2012. For me, who is really don't believe in such a thing, it's very funny to see what they'd done! A man in .... err I forgot where he comes from.. even built an ark! And he spent about $1million! Well, I feel sorry for him because he did a useless thing. And there is also a man in some place who built many big balls where about 7 people (I think) can be in each ball. The ball is also equipped with a food storage, medicines, and other things that we need so we can survive in that ball when the 'doomsday' happens. But, hey! Wait a minute! So, you think we can survive when the doomsday happens? That question is always twirling on my mind when 'they' talk about the date (211212). Because I believe that doomsday is not just the end of the day, but also the end of the world! Meaning there will be no humans or mankind, no animals, no plants. Everything's just.....gone...ruined.....devastated. So, there's nothing left. Then, where will we be? I'd say : in the different world where we will be judged.

And.......enough for the 211212 thing, let's move on to the next randomness........

A Little Madness
OK, from 24th to 27th December, my younger sister, aunt, grandma, and also my little nephew came to my house in here, in Surabaya. Happy? Deffo 'cause my house was suddenly not so quiet as usual and of course, more food *big smile*. Disturbance? Unfortunately, yes. Why? Because.....I don't know. Actually I'm okay to go anywhere, but sometimes I'm too lazy to do things and also I'll have final exams next week so....perhaps I'm a bit anxious to 'have fun'. And when it's over (means they flew back to Jakarta), my house is so quiet just like a graveyard with me as the crow HAHA. Well, I'm exaggerating...not always that quiet because when I'm alone, I like to sing or do monologue out loud. Monologue? Yeah, I just like to talk randomly to myself when I'm alone. Sometimes in English, sometimes in Bahasa. Doesn't mean I'm crazy, I'm just expressing my thoughts with talking to myself out loud.

OK, next is......

It is all about English. I have watched The Hobbit and it's like......Wow! I really want to read the novel! Then I downloaded the ebook and found that it would be fun if I had the audiobook, so I downloaded it as well. Really interesting! However, I wasn't satisfied yet. I decided to order the book! Searching for the hardcover edition of course, but later found out it's too expensive. So, I ordered the paperback edition. It's an import book so I have to wait 1-2 weeks. I have to be patient! Ganbatte! *headband tied*

Not only about The Hobbit, I......don't know. I haven't share it on my blog that I am falling in love with British accent. And also I'm really interested in their history, literatures, and cultures. Love the accent because it sounds classic and very elegant. However, I don't know why I'm interested in the historical things or the literatures or else. I just found out it's cool!

And I think today's lots of lots of English things! In the morning, I watched Wild Child which is my favourite English actor : Alex Pettyfer is starring the movie. And of course, when I heard his talks, I just like......Wow! He's so cool! And then, at noon I watched a local movie titled "La Maison du Bajigur" where a guy, named Stuart Collin, played as the lead role. Being curious because his Western face and name, I searched his bio on the internet (sounds like a stalker, but no, I am not) and found out that he's born in England! I don't know if he's Indonesian or an Englishman. However, I'm not very interested in him because I've never seen him talking in English. Just seen him talking in slang Bahasa. So..........just forget him haha.

The next English session is Jack Brown! An 11-year-old boy (if I am not mistaken) who is an MU Soccer School student from...I don't know if his nationality is Indonesia or England because his father is English and his mother is Indonesian. Well, that's not really important. OK, I saw him on a Talk Show on TV. As I knew, he won The World Final Skill Test 2012 MUSS. I hardly say it's amazing! Although I hope he will play for Liverpool not for MU haha (Hello! An MU hater here!). And then when he started talking, he talked in British accent. And I'm just....amazed! Weird, you may say, but.... I don't know...I just love to hear the accent! Haha. Really random, isn't it? Yeah, that's why I picked it as the title of this post!

These randomness had just inspired me to update my blog. What a random one! Well..........guess I have to stop all of these nonsense! Promised, I will write a more-useful-post on my blog! Farewell! *hat lifted*

Friday, November 16, 2012

First Time I Met (Aulia Rahman Anshary)

Akhirnyaaaa!!!! :D sempet juga niiih bikin post ini! Cihuy #halahapadeh. OK, waktu itu aku uda pernah bilang kan yaaaaaaak kalo edisi First Time I Met (FTIM) selanjutnya jatuh pada mas (ciyeh mas) eh kakang deng (gilakk, lebih oenyoeh lagih wkwk) oke [no title] Aulia Rahman Anshary. Biasa dipanggil Mamance huakak ngga deeeng~ biasa dipanggil Rahman, tapi kadang juga dipanggil Maman without 'ce' sih hehe. Kadang dipanggil gaul Rahman Soleh Boyz (with a z kekekek). Yak, ok jadi yaaa post ini bercerita tentang Rahman dari pertama kali ketemu sampe momen-momen oenjoe (edisi jadoel). Wkwk sorry ya man, ini prologue nya geje alay gini wkwk. Ok, enjoy! :)

TKP (Tempat Ketemuan Pertama) :
Pertama kali ketemu...............dimana ya? Aku juga lupa man HUAKAK maap yakk! Tapi seingetku pokoknya pas kader SP. Ada 2 anak inter di SP 45, Naufal sama Rahman. Trus anak inter kesannya eksklusif gimana gitu wkwk. Yaudah deh.... Pokoknya yang aku inget waktu itu lagi kumpul di X-A trs Rahman nongol sekilas di depan pintu, trus aku nanya "itu siapa?" Trus kalo ga salah Trigan sama Nilam bilang "itu Rahman, inter B". Trus yaudah deh dalem hati cuman "hooooo". Soalnya waktu itu harus ngafal nama satu angkatan~ :) #nostalgia haha momen pertama kali ketemunya nggak seseru FTIM edisi-edisi sebelumnya ya? haha

Momen 1 : Kaderisasi SP 45
Many things happened between us, but it started from here *hoeeekk bahasanye*. Ya, jadi gue pertama kali gue (eh gue aja ya ngomongnya #ababil). Yak, pertama kali gue ketemu Rahman yaaa emang di kader SP. Gue awalnya kagak kenal tuuh sama Mamance~ orangnya dari luar terkesan pendiem, cool, jaim, smua dah yang misterius misterius gituuu. Ehtapiternyata.......................ORANGNYA ANNOYING BANGET! Eh becanda deng man wkwk *peace*. Ternyata orangnyaa.....yaaa biasa aja.....kadang cool, kadang nggak.... Kadang diem, kadang usssiiil... Kadang jahat, kadang baik wkwk tapi banyakan baiknya kook #eciyeee. Eh gue juga gatau sih kapan doi jahat sama gue -_-... err yaudahlah yah... hmm jadi...sebenernya nothing's special pas kader SP karena gue jarang banget ngobrol sama dia.... Secara, gue IPnya SosHum, doi Tekno..... Jadi yaaa, kayak gak nyambung gitu omongannye wkwk. Dari kader SP cuman tau kalo doi anak inter (kelas internasional), bisa main biola, dan..........TANGGAL LAHIR NYA SAMA KAYAK GUE! Haha wes, lanjut dahyuuukss

Momen 2 : Brueder und Schwester
Eyaa, trus dari kader SP yang cuman kenal biasa akhirnya jadi kenal beneran~ jiyeeee #apadeh. Dimulai dari pengumuman BS. Jengjenggg, ternyata gue BSsampingnya Rahman~ hoho. Agak gimana gitu yaa, punya BS samping cowok, uda gitu anak inter pulakkk ckck kayanya nggak bakal nyambuuung deh tuh omongannya haha. Tapi, eh ternyata dugaan tadi salah....gue sama Rahman ternyata jadi cukup akrab :) #oenjoeee. Mana ternyata rumahnya sejalan! Haha. Oiya! Dan ternyata gue sama dia punya banyak kesamaan! Ckck nggak nyangka banget pokoknya...pas banget deh tiba-tiba jadi BS hehe. Selain tanggal lahir yang sama dan sama sama main biola, ternyata dia juga suka langit (specifically, bintang maksudnyaa) :3 sama kayak gue yang suuukaaa banget sama langit terutama langit malem beserta bulan dan bintangnya aww~ unyu yappp?? :3 eh, sekilas jadi keingetan kepengen punya teropong -_-

Momen 3 : The Three Musketeers!
Kayanya sebelomnya gue juga uda pernah cerita tentang Three Musketeers deh.... Eheehe tepatnya di FTIM Muthmainnah. Tapi.... Yaaa diulas sedikit deh.... Jadi, Three Musketeers itu terdiri dari 3 manusia yang bernama Gina, Rahman, dan Muthi. Kenapa mereka? Karena kita hampir sering pulang bareng. Kenapa? Karena rumah kita sejalan :). Kalo pulang, biasanya yang pertama itu gue dulu yang pisah, abis itu Muthi, terakhir Rahman~ pas yaa? (iya kan bener man? sori kalo salah wkwk) Yang cowok terakhir hehe. Banyak hal banget deh momen yang terjadi selama pulang bareng. Tapi, yang paling berbekas di hati itu, kalo pulang malem (abis jalan-jalan atau ngerjain proker) pasti Muthi atau Rahman suka bilang " masih pagi masih pagii", padahal udah jam setengah 8 atau malah jam 8 malem hahaha. Dan aku hampir selalu bilang "eh McD dulu yuuuk". Hahaha. Gatau kenapa gue selalu laper kayanya deh :/ sebenernya masih banyak lagi kenangan Three Musketeers, tapi kalo gue ceritain di sini kayanya ampe 3 meter deh ni post #lebuay. Oiya, Three Musketeers ngga selalu pulang naik angkutan umum (baik bus ataupun kereta), tapi kadang naik mobil gue. Yaaa bukan gue yang nyetir sihh haha emak gue nyang nyetir~ yaa, jadi bahkan karena si mereka suka ikut mobil gue, nyokap gue sampe kenal sama mereka! Tauk tuh si Rahman yang mana. Soalnya Rahman juga suka main ke rumah eh kadang sih.... Yaaa abis gimana ya? Rumah gue dijadikan option basecamp buat 45 siih~ option lain? Rumah Nurul wkwk tinggal ngesot dari rumah awak #yagakngesotjugasih haha :p

Momen 4 : The SPdisi at Rajapolah, Tasik
Ni kayanya ceritanya bakalan panjang nih. Siap-siap ya! *tarik napas*

Jadi......Ngapain di Rajapolah? TeSIS! Kepanjangan dari.............kalo ga salah Temu Sosial Ilmiah Smandel.. Ngapain? Yaaa bikin penelitian gituu deeeh :D seru loooh! Seneng banget di sana.... Tapi lupa berapa hari TeSISnya :/ kalo gak salah 3 hari deh...... Apa 5 hari yak? Lupa. Pokoknya disana kita cuman ambil data aja....jadi cuepett! Sisa waktunya? Bisa jalan-jalan dan belanja!! Bahkan penelitian si Muthi udah kelar di hari pertama!! Giledeh emang tuh Wakaor SP 45! Mantab! Hadeuh prolognya kepanjangaaan!

Jadi intinya, pas di Rajapolah itu Muthi mengusulkan untuk jalan-jalan SP. Soalnya pas hari kedua kalo ga salah, ada waktu bebas :D yaudah deh, akhirnya seluruh jajaran SP 45 #halah jalan-jalaaan~ :D gue, muthi, arrum, dan beberapa 45 lain ngunjungin tiap rumah hostfam anak-anak 45! Dan......beberapa emang ada yang sibuk ngurus penelitian, beberapa uda pada kelar... Jadi ngga smuanya ikut. Nah, kita namain acaranya : SPdisi haha. Yaa, jadi pas SPdisi kita jalan-jalan ke hutan, ke sawah gituuu~ pokoknya bareng-bareng deh!

Nah, ada suatu ketika, diujung sawah ada semacem tebing, tapi agak landai sih... Tapi tetep aja bahaya berpotensi teguling kalo jalan di situ hehe. Nah, namanya yang mimpin jalan cowok-cowok, jadi yaaa pas nurunin tebing pada gampanglah...tapi yang cewek-cewek pada heboooh! Soalnya yaaa takutlah hahaha takut teguling beneran deh! Mana saat itu gue pake rok haha. Rebek deh! Muthi sama gue pokoknya. Rahman turun duluan, trus baru gue. Pelan-pelan tuh turun sambil dibantuin Rahman, soalnya curam mayannn.....kalo diinget2 gue udah kayak princess aja HUAKAK #jijikmayaannnn.... Nah, jadi Rahman bantuin gue turun, dan gue juga megang tangan muthi ngebantuin dia turun (kalo gaksalah).. Nah, ditengah-tengah awkward moment wkwk tiba-tiba gue ngerasa ada sesuatu di kaki! Pas gue pas gue cek, di kaos kaki gue ada ulet bulu guedeeee banget dan dia jalan!! Hadoooh gue histeris lebay (biasalah) wkwk uda ngebayangin pulang dengan kaki bentol-bentol gateeel hayz. Gue spontan teriak-teriak ke Rahman nyuruh dia ngambil uletnya (tanpa memikirkan kalo gue annoying saat itu hehe ^^v). Rahman dengan perlahan ngambil selembar daun, trus nyerok ulet bulunya pake daun itu dan taa~daa~ tuh ulet bulu pergi bersama daon-daonnya. Huhu thanks to you, BS! :D (doi masih inget gak ye cerita itu?)

Trus abis itu kite sepleton SP (well, sbenernya ngga SP doang sihh... ada anak-anak lain juga haha tapi mayoritas SP) melanjutkan perjalanan, ke kampung orang trus keluar kampung lagi masuk sawah-sawah.. Jalan di pematang nya. Dan tiba-tiba mendengar kabar kalo Jakarta gempa! Gempanya cukup gede! Sekitar 9 SR kalo gak salah. Tapi ternyata itu di pusat gempanya, jadi sampe Jakarta ngga segede itu. Spontan anak-anak yang lagi jalan-jalan di pematang sawah langsung ngeluarin HP dan nelpon keluarga di rumah. DAN ITUU adalah pemandangan lucu buat gue yang jalan di rombongan di urutan kedua dari belakang. Kenapa? Karena gue melihat temen-temen yang di depan berjalan di pematang dengan tangan kanan menyodorkan HP ke telinga mereka sambil tangan kiri melambai-lambai untuk tetap menjaga keseimbangan biar ngga nyemplung ke sawah yang berlumpur itu wkwk kocak deh! Mana diramein dengan suara, “Halo mama? Katanya Jakarta gempa?” atau “Halo, Pa? Pada nggak papa kan? Katanya Jakarta gempa?” wkwk lucu deh! Sayangnya gue juga sibuk nelpon emak gue, jadi ngga sempet mendokumentasikan... fuu~

Momen 5 : Tuker kado
Jadii, pas ultah gue berapa yak? Lupa... 16 kalo gak salah yaaa~ Nah, gue sama Rahman niat tukeran kado~ Yaaah, maklum.. dulu gue masih belum ngerti sama perayaan ulang tahun hehe. Nah, awalnya karena kita ulang tahunnya pas hari Minggu, gue sama Rahman mau janjian sekalian lari pagi ke Senayan. Gue ke Senayan bareng kakak gue, Kak Oi. Nah, itu ke Senayan udah bawa-bawa kadonya tuuuh! Isinya sebuah gantungan kunci dari flanel huruf “R” warna biru (warna kesukaan doi #ciyee)..handmade looooh! Gue yang ngejait sendiriiii~ (oenjoe gag seeeh?? #zzz). Trus kotaknya juga warna biruu~ Isinya gue bikinin bintang-bintang kecil warna merah sama biru~ soalnya merah warna kesukaan gue wkwk. Itu gaktau berapa banyak bintang yang gue bikin :/ pokoknya full satu box itu lah..panjang kotaknya sekitar 15cm kayanya dengan tebal sekitar hmm 7-9 cm lah.. ya segitulah pokoknya haha. Gue masih inget banget konsepnya pokoknya itu gantungan kunci gue kubur di dalem bintang-bintang merah dan biru, trus di kasih tali keluar tulisannya “Pull this” kalo gak salah. Jadi, maksudnya talinya ditarik biar hadiahnya ketarik #halah. Ya yaudah sih kenapa jadi bahas kado gue wakakak. Yaaa, maap-maap aja ya Man kalo kado gue gak berkesan hahaha.

Hmm, yaa kalo kado dari doi buat gue......oiya! pokoknya akhirnya gak jadi tuh ngasi kado di Senayan! Akhirnya baru jadi pas di sekolah! Di depan masjid! Gue inget banget deh! Trus, gue buka kadonya di mobil. Kadonya dari luar box persegi panjang. Pas gue buka.......gue masih inget apa yang terjadi pas gue buka. Gue ketawa wkwk kenapa? Gue baca kartu ucapannya! Ada gambar bus metro mini berisi 3 orang dengan bubble thought gini... (1) Pulang yuk (kalo ga salah..yang ini lupa); (2) Masih pagi, masih pagii. (3) Eh, McD yuk!. HUAKAK spontan gue langsung ketawa pas baca itu! Soalnya itu ucapan kalo gue, Muthi, Rahman pulang malem-malem haha. Tapiiii, abis ketawa haha heheh pas gue liat isi kadonya, spontan gue nangis (beneran looh). Kenapa? Soalnya, isi kadonya itu gantungan kunci Liverbird sama Mug Steven Gerrard!!! AAAAARGH agaiinnn! It’s about Liverpool! Gue terharu bangeet huhuhuh..baik banget sih nih BS gue :"") Oya, dan gue langsung kepikiran... semua barang-barang Liverpool yang gue punya kayanya dikasih orang semua.. #sedihmayan. Oya, dan gantungan kunci itu sampe sekarang masih tergantung di tas backpack Reebok abu-abu merah gue.
gantungan kunci liverbird

Mugnya juga masih ada di rumah, Man! cuman gak gue bawa ke Surabaya karena takut pecah. Sama kayak mug dari Granny Feong yang dari Singapore. Takut pecah. Jadi.....disimpen ajedah di rumah ehe ^^v. Oya, kado lo yang buku Rasulullah is My Doctor juga masih ada, Man! Belom gue baca abis tapi hehe (sorry).

Hmmm trus sebenernya masih banyak lagi sih momen-momennya.. tapi kayanya ini juga udah kebanyakan deh hahahah yang paling banyak, pasti pas momen pulang bareng lah! Banyak banget deh itu kejadian kocak nan memalukan wkwk and it’s hard to forget :) pas doi hts-an sama ****  *disensor kok Man ;)* wkwk jalan-jalan bareng terakhir pas menggeje ke Kota wkwk. Ke museum Bahari bareng Jojo, Rendra, Akmal, Ibam, Muthi, Nurul wkwk sumpah geje beud lah itu haha tapi masih sempet ketemuan itu yang asikkk. Walaupun sekarang pembicaraannya Muthi ngomongin hukum, si Pras ngomongin mesin apalah, si Ibam ngomongin komputer, si Jojo ngomongin fisiologi *facepalm*, si Nurul.......gak cerita apa-apasih doi HUAKAK *peace* tapi kita tetep SP 45 *aww* aselinya sih gue kehabisan kata-kata nih, gatau mau ngomong apa #jedarr #membahana HUAKAK eh udah ah! Ini kan harusnya khusus tentang Rahman zzz. Yaudah itu aja sih :D Ini udah cukup banyak kan, Man? Hehehe. Ni potonya yang pas lagi wisudaan aje deh yaakk! Setelah wisuda belom pernah foto BS samping lagi nih -_-

pas wisudahh
OK, sekian FTIM edisi kali ini :D Next.......? Rahasia wkwk. Hintnya? Cowok lagi nih kayanya haha.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Intermezzo ZzzZzz

Hai! Assalaamu'alaykum! :D
Cuman intermezzo aja. Bosen belajar -_- ya wajar kan? Tapi besok ujian modul integrasi nih HAHA. Hadeuuh. Gapapa sih. Setelah ujian besok, insya Allah bisa lebih tenang. Lagipula besok ujian terakhir insya Allah. Semoga langsung capcusss, no remedy, AAMIIIN!

Agenda terdekat.........nothing. Hanya menunggu kabar dari Bu Ibrahim dan menunggu Papa Mama datang kembali ke sini. And also, mungkin akan ada rencana ke Kebun Binatang yang ada di Pandaan. Aku gatau sih tempatnya tuh dimana WAKAK. Cuman katanya Faiza deket Malang. Kira-kira sejauh Surabaya-Sidoarjo gituh~ FUFU kenapa kesana? Karena...........kepengen banget liat singa! Wkwk kasian ya? Ya, selama ini baru sekali ke Taman Safari Cisarua. Trus ya, seru lumayan sih hehe. Trus pengen ke Pandaan karena kata Bu Efa yang di Pandaan ini hewannya lebih besar besaaar :O Gatau deh sebesar apa hehehe

Und dann........apalagi ya? Oiya, sekarang udah 31 Oktober aja lohhh! Besok 1 November! Cepet ya? Kayaknya baru kemaren deh mendarat di Juanda untuk pertama kalinya setelah libur 1 bulan... Oiya, trus taun depan umur udah nggak pake -teen lagi niiiih huhuhu alias taun depan nih (2013), umur dengan kepala 2 akan menyapa :"""( Just realised that I am not a junior high student anymore... I am a future doctor *dramatizing* Seriously, I'm still thinking that I'm a junior high student and I don't know the reason why.

Well, enough lah, Kan cuman intermezzo doang hahaha. Oiya, banyak nih postingan yang dipending fufu. Pokoknya banyak hal yang bakalan aku post di blog ini, mulai dari cerita tentang mein brueder, my cousin, experience, arguments, banyak deh! Oiya, tentunya edisi ke-4 First Time I Met akan rilis *ceileh*. Yang menang dapet undian untuk diulas pertemuannya adalah........MY BS SAMPING : Aulia Rahman Anshary!! *yeaaay teeettttt tueeet* (rame ceritanya) #nggeje. Si Maman bakalan baca gak yea? Taukdeh. Pokoknya nanti akan diulas tentang doi hoho. Just wait for it, bro! :D

Udah ah! Besok ujian!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Here I am...........
Hmm.. Still to lazy to write in English, so........yak begitulah.
Hadeuh........... (kalimat pertama aja udah ngeluh *facepalm)
Cerita apa yaa? Banyak hal yang terjadi selama Oktober ini. Mulai dari Papa yang sering bolak balik rumah-kosan sampe.....ujian pertama di semester 3 ini.

Sibuk? Kayanya gak perlu ditanya ya, 24 sks bok! Hmm, tapi sebenernya sibuk sih nggak juga ya. Tapi, semester 3 ini tugas kelompok nya buanyak banget dan itu cukup menyusahkan. Yaa... namanya kerja kelompok, harus menyesuaikan jadwal si ini dan si itu kan? Ditambah lagi dengan praktikum yang ngga seleha-leha pas semester 2. Kenapa? Karena ada pretest dan posttest yang menentukan nilai akhir praktikum -_- Jadi, mau ga mau tiap hari harus belajar. TAPI gimana doong, masa tiap hari belajar :( belajarnya pelajaran eksakta lagi myuhuhuhu yah tapi yaudah lah nasib sekolah di kedokteran ._. nikmatin ajalah yah :')

Kayak kemaren tuh, hari Senen. Hari itu ujian Biokim, hari sebelumnya belajar jor-joran. Ujiannya siang tapi paginya masih ada kuliah, yaudah deh for the first time I skipped the class :D nyehehe. Trus pulang ujian gak bisa langsung pulang karena harus jaga KSK Medspin 2012 (AYOO ANAK SMA IKUT MEDSPIN YAA Jadi, baru pulang sekitar jam 5 sore. Tapi jadi pulang jam 6 karena motokopi laprak biokim senior dulu. Trus sampe kosan harus ngerjain laprak faal yang dikumpul besoknya. WAA giledeh. Akhirnya awak begadang sampe jam 1 pagi jeng. Abis itu tidur. Kebangun jam 4 lewat 15 yang mana berarti adzan subuh sudah berkumandang 30 menit yang lalu! x_x Abis sholat langsung ngerjain powerpoint untuk presentasi faal. AMPE jam setengah 6 pagi. Trus tidur lagi ampe jam 6. Ya Allah tidur setengah jam tadi pagi itu berasanya kaya cuman 5 menit :') cepet buangget ckck.

Abis itu tadi hibernasi hahha. Makanya sekarang masih melek fuuhuh. Tapi harus ngerjain bagan praktikum biokim sih hadeuuh. Dan belajar juga untuk pretest praktikum biokim. HUHU tapi besok sama dr. Gwenny :3 smoga enak deeeh huhuhu OH yang paling penting, semoga dr. Gwenny nya masuk hahah gak mau kejadian kayak minggu lalu, dr. Sutji ngga dateng trus diganti dokter lain -_-

Hm hm, trus apalagi yaa....... hoiya, hadoooh kan waktu itu aku pernah cerita ada orang annoying. Masa sekarang annoying lagi -_- yaa walaupun udah berkurang dikit lah #kali #gakmikirinsih. Dia yang nunjauh dimato dan plis ngga ada apa-apa sama GUE tiba-tiba manggil trus bilang "Mau Gin? Tak bagi roti" Ya oke, sounds nice right? TAPI....hadoooh. DIA LOH COWOK x_x dan aku ga pernah ngobrol apa2 -_-  Mana udah keliatan orang yang ditawarin lagi berusaha tidur, malah ditawarin makanan. Dan kenapa yang ditawarin aku? kenapa gak orang laen yang keliatan seger, orang lewat atau siapapun?!! Hadoh, emosi. Yaa, kalo mau baik okelah, tapi ya kan ngga gitu juga sih. Bikin orang ngomong "say what?" hehe

Oiya, enough cerita tentang orang itu deh capek. Apa yang aku lakukan kayanya doi ngomentarin mulu deh bete. Nih, kenapa tiba-tiba ngomong aku aku di post ini. Gatau juga sih niih -_- haha #geje. Kadang lidah suka keseleo gara-gara milih-milih terus kalo ngomong ke anak jakarta pake gue-lo ke anak sini aku-kamu. Akhirnya lidah sering kesrimpet jadi kebalik -_- ngomong ke anak sini pake gue lo ke anak jakarta pake aku kamu wkwk. Tapi anehnya ini gak mempan sama Dhea ya? hahaha. Jadi, kita putuskan saja, sekarang ngomongnya pake aku kamu. Soalnya kalo kesrimpet ngomong pake gue-lo ke anak sini ntar kesannya kasar banget haha -_- tapi kalo pake aku kamu ke anak-anak jakarta juga kesannya unyu amat WAKAK serba salah.

Lusa (berhubung belom tengah malem, berarti hari ini masih hari Selasa), I'M GOING BACK HOMEEE :D antara seneng dan khawatir sih ehe. Soalnya Senen depan ujian faal. Tapi......Sholat Ied ngga bareng keluarga itu...............*nangis di pojokan* hahaha. Dan sepertinya semua orang pada kaget kalo aku pulang -_- ya.. emang ngedadak sih....yah maap deh...

Yaudah sekian. Besok 8 Dzulhijjah. Jangan lupa puasa temen-temen! 10 hari pertama bulan Dzulhijjah punya keutamaan looh! Ada hadits yang bilang, kalo 10 hari awal Dzulhijjah itu lebih baik daripada jihad fii sabilillah. Kecuali orang yang mati syahid :D Tinggal 2 hari looh~ Eman, rek nek disia-sia'no haha


Tuesday, September 25, 2012


This post will not be in English because the author is too lazy to write in English. Thank you.

HAAI!! Uda mau sebulan kali ya ngga ngepost fuhuh.. so many things have changed ternyata ya... dan yak! benar sekali sekarang gue sudah di Surabaya.. Hmm udah masuk ke minggu ke 3 dan 3 minggu lagi mulai ujian BIOKIM! lalalalaalalala semangat ajahddehyah haem. Yak, jadi semester 3 ini sebenernya gue cuman belajar 3 mata kuliah... Modul Integrasi, Faal und Biokim... taaapiiiii SKS nya itu looooh tetep 24! >>mabuqs wkwk gila juga yaakkkk! Bayangkanlah betapa indahnya hidup ini, hari-harinya diwarnai dengan Faal dan Biokim.. No days without physiology and biochemistry, NICE! Doaken aja aku ndak bosen yo pek! *sby style*

Taun ini, pertama kalinya gue punya junior di kampus *ciyeeeh*.. Taun ini pertama kalinya bokap gue bilang kalo doi mau beli rumah di sini *matabelo*.. Taun ini pertama kalinya gue beli sepatu warna khaki *penting banget*.. Taun ini, pertama kalinya gue....................gatau apaan lagi wkwk

Oya, gue juga baru tau kalo Ipik, BS gue yang ndut (kasian si dipanggil gendut -_-), sekarang doi di Inggris :O asiknya dirinyaaaa~ mana gitu doi pamer official membership Mancur lagi huuuuu iri mak! Yaaah, maybe next time gue yang bakal begitu, aamiiin! Oya, trus ada lagi yang bikin iri..... Penganten baru SP a.k.a Iie ama Feong...........ngiri pol deh.. gatau kenapa pokoknya liat-liat poto mereka (ketawan deh nge-stalk wkwk) bikin iri bangeeeet wkwkwk tapi ngga berarti gue pengen nikah muda juga sih wkwk yah jodoh mah terserah Allah deh hahah etsets jadi ngerembet ke sini hahah

Apaan lagi yak......oyaaa! gue gatau kenapa tiba-tiba kangeeen banget sama anak-anak 8! Rasanya pengen ngumpulin mereka satu-satu, makein baju seragam 8, trus duduk di bangku yang ada di kelas masing-masing trus doing something like usually they did! AAAA kangeeeennn! Bahkan gue uda setaun kagak ketemu sama Tiva-Arrum-April sang chairmate-chairmate gueeeee uhukuhuk trus belom ketemu sama.........(<--ini apaan="apaan" coba="coba" mayannnn="mayannnn" p="p" sedih="sedih" uhukhukhuk="uhukhukhuk">

Oya, tiba-tiba gue keinget pelem House.. OYA! Nanti kapan-kapan gue bakal ngebahas tentang House deh! Film medical drama satusatunya yang gue ikutin, gue tonton ampeeeee season finale nya! haha. OK, BTTT, gue keinget waktu itu pasiennya si House ada seorang blogger geek gituuu! Apa-apa dishare ke blognya dia! Even about her private things! Gila jugak sih.. well, walaupun gue emang curcol abizzz und nyampahhh di blog gue sendiri, tapi gue yaaa ngga ampe segitunya jugak sih.. paling hal-hal yang nggeje yang gatau mau dituangin dimana aja yang gue share di sini wkwkwk (intinya, para pembaca 'kebanyakan' membaca sampah di blog gue, sedih mayan)

Yaudah deh yaaa... besok rabu nih.... and it's gonna be a long day for meeeeee *yawn* but I'm really looking forward to it.. soalnya setelah Rabu, Kamis.. abis itu Jumat, abis itu Sabtu! YAY! Papa kemari :D Entah karena urusan rumah ini, gue jadi seneng orang tua gue jadi sering ke sini hihi :) Ntar gue masak deh huahahaha


Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Well, hello hello!
New post after a month! Phew. Yeah you know, I was so lazy to make a new post back then haha. Oh, and now I'm in my city, Jakarta~ *dancing*. I was here since August 8, so.... I just have one more week in this city.... What have I done? Well, not much.. I got 10 days Ramadhan.. yeah, although I was hoping I could do fasting in my city, but..yeah it's ok. It's already happened. And then, I went to Bandung for holiday with my family (plus my sister-in-law and of course, my family's new comer, my little nephew). He -my nephew- looks really...big now haha and also now he can crawls and stand-up. However, he's still afraid to walk -_- Nah, it's ok, he's still cute though hehehe.

In Bandung, well, we didn't do like we usually did in there. Usually, we went shopping and city tour lalala, but this time, we went to see butterfly in Cihanjuang, Cimahi and also to De Ranch in Lembang. Quite disappointed at the Butterfly Park.. just a plenty of butterflies in there zz. In De Ranch, my sisters and me rode a horse....and it's not really fun too. In De Ranch, you horse can't run, just walk. I mean, of course your horse can run but it's prohibited to run due to the rider's safety. Nah! It's boring for me. However, in De Ranch, you can try archery! It's my first! It's quite tough to manage the arrow..

Next day, on the way back home, we went to Gunung Mas to ride another horse! Not satisfied in De Ranch, so we decided to stop by at Gunung Mas. There, you can ride a horse and it's up to you whether you want to run or just walk safely :D Of course, I always tried to make my horse running, but it's hard because it just listened to their owner -_- But in the end, I could make it. My horse ran really fast the Equestrian game in the Olympics perhaps? haha. Yeah, sure it didn't ran as fast as the equestrian athlete did, but it really ran fast! I felt like I was flying with the horse! It's a bit scary because I couldn't pull the rope. I was also afraid to lose the balance so I kept holding the saddle. When that happened, I heard my sister shouted, "Ken, your horse's running soooo faastt! I want it too!". And that was..........FANTASTIC! I WANT IT AGAIN! :D

So, that's my holiday.. the rest of the days, I use it for babysitting my little nephew, Rasya :) He's so.....cute!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

It's about Social Network

Social network, yeah, sounds familiar right? You know, social network is just so trending these days. You can mention it, such as MySpace, Facebook, Plurk or Twitter. Well, I think social networks really can make a social network ha kinda confusing line, eh? -_- OK, actually I just realised that social network really works to make people stay in touch with others. Like, right now, I'm outta my city but I still can know what they are doing. Especially, Twitter. I don't know, perhaps because it's only thousands of babbles in Twitter so it looks more err... simple-but-you-will-know-all-about-me. Unlike other social network, Twitter users just 'tweeting' about what they wannna tweet in 140 characters. Nothing more than that. Well, perhaps Plurk also does the same, but .... I don't know -_- I just don't have any user account there.

Well, actually this is not about promoting Twitter, no. I only take an example how social network works..which is really great. OK, I am a Twitter user. There, I can follow my friends or even artists or actors or footballers! And know they activities! Well, if they an active twitter user :-/ besides, like what I said earlier, social networks works great to make people stay in touch with others. Not with your ordinary friends but also with those famous people! You can have a little chat with them who is away from you or with them whom you have a little chance to meet (such as famous people :D). Me have been following some LFC footballers. And wow they're really funny, I've never known that those guys has those sense of humour haha. OK, that's all.. I just relieved that social networks exist :D So I can know what my idols are doing hahaha seriously, it's great to know it! :D

Anyway, my BigReds membership has already been approved!! And I got a nice membership number : 124000! AWESOME! So, now all I have to do is be patient. Hemmm, but I admit that I cannot wait for the Starterpack!!! AAAA

Saturday, July 14, 2012


YAHA! I just registered for BigReds member!! So... you don't know BigReds? OK, I'll try to explain. So, you know about my previous post? I'm just having a sudden craze about Liverpool haha. Well, maybe you can call it, Liverpool fever haha. OK, since 2 days ago, I started to find how to get those things in LFC Store then I just found it. I found a football store who sells those things I wanted in LFC Official Store! And yeah it's in Indonesia! I just have to tell them what items I wanna buy. They will do the conversion and we pay it then.... voila! we have those things on the LFC Store! And it's not as expensive as we buy it from the site directly. Well, maybe because they (the store) ordered many items so the shipping cost that I argued doesn't look like expensive :)

Anyway, so because of this searching, I just finally realised : why don't I join BigReds? Someone once has said that I can find the merchandise I want in some fans club. And yeah, those words just make me go to BigReds site :D I also remembered my brother is a member too, but I think he's membership's already expired hehe. And then, here I am, a-gonna-be-BigReds-member!

Oh, I think I said that I would explain about BigReds -_- OK, BigReds is Indonesia's Official Liverpool FC Supporters Club. On their site, it's stated that BigReds is listed on Association of International Branch (AIB) from LFC and I just ........ WOW! And even I don't know that they sold  Xabi Alonso's meet & greet ticket! Wow! WOW! I wonder why I never realised about this supporter club -_-

OK, that's it.. I've already confirmed my payment so now I just have to be patient to be verified! And I can't wait for my starterpack!!! Oh! And starterpack! Yeah! If you join the membership, you'll have starterpack which consists of a membercard, a BigReds T-Shirt, a scarf and 2 LFC stickers! :D What a nice one~

Wanna join? Just click it ---> BigReds

Friday, July 13, 2012

I Want It

Finally!! I got this new glasses! Wow, just never realised the world is just so clear and bright! You know, because of this blurry vision -_- OH! And it's all red *dancing* I mean my new glasses aannd... it kinda reminds me of my beloved football team.............LIVERPOOL FC haha #random.

Talking about Liverpool.....AAAAAAAAAAA I'm so envy to see my old friend right now! :( cause he has gone to Liverpool!!! AAAA I wanna go there too :'( And also he watched the Wimbledon Final match AAAA!! And then now, I just saw my friend wearing LFC hoody AAAA (sorry, it's too much AAAA in this post, it means nothing than a shout). And sooo, I began to search something about my team. You know, actually I have a lot of LFC stuff, such as key chain, cap, and pillow. But, it's all my friends' gifts!! Ha yeah, I've never bought I've decided to save my money and buy these things that I wanna buy.

How come -_- I just wanted to buy a tablet PC and now I want Liverpool merchandise. What a typical me... Ah, no matter what I just have to save my money right? Haha *self-entertaining* Oh, you knooow, in LFC store I found so many shirts or other merchandise which (well, I think) can't be found in Indonesia!! Look at this!
Pembroke Hoody for 45 pounds (
And also this!
Arc Cardigan for 40 pounds! (
And then this!!
Essential Backpack for 12 pounds! (
AAAA I just want it all!!!! Actually it's still affordable if it's converted to IDR...but...BUT the shipping cost just make me........... *roaring like a lion* The shipping cost is 15 pounds! It's about 200k rupiahs! Oh dear..... even that backpack is cheaper than it -_- so, the strategy is...whether I have to buy more than 2 stuffs (because the shipping cost doesn't depend on the number of the items) or send it all to my friends who live in Europe or UK, then ask them to bring it when they get here HA-HA-HA

Perhaps someday I can buy it all :) Nah, just wondering when that time comes.. OH you knowww, PT. Garuda Indonesia tbk is now official partner of Liverpool FC! And I hope they can bring Liverpool FC to Indonesia! because Indonesia isn't on their Asia Tour list -_- So, I hope I can see them here, live! Not on TV -_- Yeah, you know.. Two Spain's stars have just come to my country and I was in Surabaya. Great. Well, but actually Queen Park Rangers is going to have a match on 23rd of July and it'll be held in here,  in Surabaya. But I don't think I'll see them. Why? Because......I only know Anton Ferdinand and Park Ji Sung, who's just moved from Man Utd. Others? I don't know -_-. And second, 23rd of July is in the middle of Ramadhan! No way those guys distract my precious month! But, still hoping I can meet them somewhere, yeah perhaps at the mall or hotel or on the street? :D #ngareppuol. And third, you know Surabaya is well-known for their fanatic supporters called 'bonek'. Oh well, I just can't stand them -_-

OK, that's all... AAAA seeing those picture again make me feel on fire!! It's like I want to contact LFC Store right NOW! Hahaha Well, just wait for it, wait for my post about me buy something from LFC Store :) Night all!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Past Life Story

Last night, I couldn't sleep though it's already in the midnight. So, I turned on my phone and checked my Facebook account. No new notifications or messages. Suddenly, a flash memory came up on my mind. My elementary friends.. How are they doing? We're now college students. It's been about 6 years and I haven't met them! We've been friends for 6 years straight plus my elementary school didn't do the err randomisation or something. So, 6 years in my elementary school, I got these same bunch of friends! And I've never got bored with them haha.

Then, I found their Facebook account. I took a look at some of their photos to see whether their faces have changed or not. Well, it's a bit funny because they still have their elementary face! HAHA The difference is just like....perhaps taller than before or more mature or more gilrish(?) err ya something like that. And finally I found these guys' accounts. My......ex novio. You know, my tongue's just got itchy whenever I tried to say 'that' word in English or in Bahasa. So......better if I wrote it in other language ;) Oh, and let's call them, A and B. I just found out that both of them is now studying business....or something social I don't know, I just forgot. And the memory of them has just reminded me of something that I've done in the past.

My past life? Totally different than my life today. My family wasn't that religious like now. My father rarely prayed at the mosque. That dakwah radio which is always played out loud in my house, was never played back then. We even didn't know if it existed. Everything was just plain.

How about me? Me... I was just like not being myself when I was in elementary school. I was kinda a quiet girl with many skills. That's what my teachers said. It's like almost a perfect girl. Why? academic, I always  got big 10 rank. In music, I can play keyboards and violin. Arts? Most of my drawings score was 90. In sports? Well, I can play nearly all the game and the P.E. test. Other achievements? I've joined many competitions to represent my school. See? I still admitted that I was great back then. But unfortunately, I left something. The most important thing in our life: our religion.

I haven't wear a veil when I was still in elementary school. A veil was just like a ....'something' thing. It's just a plenty people in our school who wore a veil or jilbab! I was far from Islam. Well, not only me, but my family too. Imagine! I was about 10 year-old and I already had a novio -_- It's A. He's the first. Well, actually it's a no status relationship, BUT STILL....... it was! -___- But, I didn't do anything err you know..anything weird or bad or something. We're just texting message with loveleeh language (*brb vomiting). Never gone out together. Of course! I was just 10 year-old! And's ended. I forgot how long it lasted. Well, it's nice to be forgotten though! :) #nooffense

In 6th grade, everyone's talking about junior high. Actually, I wanted to go to 'that' public junior high school, because all of my friends wanted to go there. So, I thought it would be nice if I also went to that school. You know, new school and the orientations stuff? I thought it would be easy to get through it if I already knew my friends :) But, my mom insisted me to go to another school. The greatest public school in this capital city. At first I refused what she wanted, but then I agreed to choose that junior high as my first choice. But~ (another but), in the middle of my preparation test, my mom gave me a test form for Labschool Secondary School! I was very interested because of the name! Haha I just thought it's cool : LABSCHOOL. It sounds like an international school, right? And in the end, I got into Labschool, not that greatest public school in the capital city. And...... I'VE NEVER REGRETTED IT AND I WON'T!

Then, when I was graduated from my elementary school, this B guy asked me out. Hmm...and I still don't know why I answered yes that night -__- So, I had a novio again when I was in 7th grade. I also didn't do anything...ya you know, anything weird. He always texted me. From I woke up until I got sleep. I never wanted to be called, so he kept texting me. But, again.. it didn't last long. Hmm, maybe just a couple of months, I broke up with him. And..... I'VE NEVER REGRETTED IT AND I WON'T. I made the right decision. What I regretted is.....when I said yes to go out with him. Why? Because it ruined my friendship. I lost my friend. I still think that he hates me until now. He's never said a word to me.

So, this thing became my first reason why I don't want to have any novio again. Besides, isn't it boring to have someone who always say "I l**e you" and you don't know till when they keep saying it? Well, me? I don't like it. And and... always text you everytime? Asking whether you've already arrived to your house or not or maybe asking whether you've already eaten or not? At first, it's kinda sweet but after that it's kinda annoying for me -_- It's that your responsibility to check whether I've eaten or not? Or maybe  the opposite, me have to take care of you? That's not my responsibility. Actually, I don't get the point of going steady with someone :/ haha

Those things that has happened always assure me to not have any novio, until I found the truth, that it shouldn't be my first reason. And.......for some reasons, my parents became more religious, so did the family. My whole life's changed. Islam met my interest.. I started to study more about my religion. Then... I found out that Allah has already told us that we mustn't get near to zina (Al-'Isra:32). And I took it as my first reason. I started to wear jilbab when I was 8th grader. It's like a revolutionary. Some of my friends shock in happiness seeing my positive changes. My life has changed 180 degrees. 

And right now.. I'm a medical student, just like what I've dreamt in elementary school. I was so grateful and thanked Allah for giving me this beauty of life. I can't imagine what will happen if I didn't enter Labschool.. If I didn't decide to break up with my novio.. If that happens, perhaps I won't be here sitting on my folding chair.. perhaps I'm not a medical student..perhaps I don't have such a small family like SP :') I love my present life. It's more meaningful, more colourful... much much better than my past.

So, what I'm trying to say is..... 
You'll have a great life if you live your life in His way.

Oh, and you know.. this post also made me realise that I am more mature now :) aaand finally I can post about my past life fuhuh

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Prologue : My 9th Grade Diary

I've just opened my 9th grade diary!! It's on OpenDiary but you can't open it cause it has password haha. So here it is the prologue. So, there are 102 posts and all private. I just realised how.......... i dunno what word fits it best -_- tacky? girlish? oh whatever just stay tuned to my post. But anyway, when I read every post, I always said "WHAT?!" or "IS THIS REALLY MY 9TH GRADE DIARY??" or "I DIDN'T REMEMBER THAT MOMENT" or "I DIDN'T KNOW THAT I WAS SO TACKY -_-" or some kind like that.
Yaa, intinya pokoknya lo liat ajedah post gue selanjutnya. Quizas ngga hari ini ya post nya.. gue kan juga ada kerjaan laen hahaha. Tapi sumpah diary gue ini bener-bener...................WHATTHEBELL! Alhamdulillah level gue sekarang uda naek yakkk, udah kagak kayak gitu lagi wkwkwk sumpfeee noraknya gak nahannnnn zz

Flash Report!

Hi there!
Here I am with some news!!
Pertama, adek gue tercinta akhirnya masuk fakultas kedokteran :D and she got into University of Indonesia! Felicidades, mi hermana!! --> Spanish obsession haha. I'm so proud of ya :)

And then.......gue, kemaren, mimpi anehhh banget! Gue mimpi thriller wkwk ngga ngerti lagi ama mimpi gue. Sanking gue demennnn banget sama novel thriller ampe gue mimpi-mimpi thriller wkwk ngga ngerti lagi. Mimpinya sih unyu ya. Yah begitulah, biarkan jadi kenangan gue hahaha. Intinya mimpinya itu campuran antara The Darkest Hour (film yang baru gue tonton) dan Twilight zzz kenapa harus Twilight coba? Padahal itu film yang gue drop out karena......yaa you know, cheesy romance and I really don't like it.

Teruuss.. apalagi yaa.. oiya, kan gue SP Human Structure tuh, dan alhamdulillah semoga saja dimudahkann, AAMIIN! Kemaren tuh dr. Dessy baiik banget aaahh can't help it lah.. gue demen banget doi senyum-senyum dan berharap nilai kita semua lulus aaawhhh, motivating sekalihh :3

Hmm apalagi yaa, ini kaya laporan aje sih wkwk.. Yaa biar jadi track record gue deh ahahaha. Oiyaa! Gue uda bikin kacamata!! Tapi masa yeaahh, kacamata gue jadi 1 minggu -__- apa-apaan ini! Biasanya kacamata gue bisa jadi 1 jam! Dan you shud know, harga kacamatanya 400 rebuuuu gile mahal beuddd!! Ini bakalan jadi kacamata termahal gue, jadi gue harus jaga baik-baik!! (*o*)9 Oiya, selain itu, minus gue juga nambah pow! Tapi ga terlalu banyak sihhh, tapi nyaris 2 T____T dan....yang paling parah adalah silinder gue. Silinder gue yang kiri nyaris 3!! ASTAGHFIRULLAH!! NYARIS 3 MBAK MAS!! *pengsan* #lebay

Teruuuss... oiyaaa gue kemaren pesen Red Velvet Tha Harvest. Well, gilakkk yang namanya macaron itu manis puooollll!! Parah! Ngga lagi deh makan macaronn -____- kontrast banget jadinya sama rasa ret pelpetnye zz

Hmm, trus apa ya..... oiya, gue sedang berusaha membuka kembali diary gue pas kelas 9 nih hahaha ada di tapi sampe sekarang belom gue buka sih.. masih mencoba mengingat passwordnya hahaha. Ntar kalo uda bisa kebuka trus gue baca, pasti gue akan menyadari betapa mellownya diri gue pas SMP -__- melakukan hal-hal yang............ah begitulah zzz #geje haha

yaudah sekian laporannya! Masih dari Studio Lini, di Jalan Dharmawangsa! *klik --> maksudnye apa coba zzz

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Kopi, Gue, dan Kamar Mandi

Yeppp, gue mau cerita niih~ sebenernya ini kejadiannya uda lumayan lama yaaa, mungkin sekitar sebulan yang lalu.. Seinget gue ini kejadiannya hari emm....Rabu deh kayanya ye, lupa juga sih... pokoknya kalo ngga hari Rabu ya hari Senin. So here the story goes~

Jadi, waktu itu gue lagi semangaaat banget belajar anatomi. Pokoknya besoknya itu gue ada kuliah anatomi, jadi dengan rajinnya gue baca-baca materi yang besok mau dikuliahin. Bacaaa terusss sampe entah sampe jam berapa, pokoknya gue sempet ngobrol-ngobrol juga sama Faiza sama Dhea. Trus selesai ngobrol sama Faiza, dia bilang dia mau tidur. Yaudah, gue sih belom ngantuk, gue juga lupa sih kenapa gue ngga ngantuk saat itu. Kayanya gue uda tidur siang deh.. eh gatau jugalah. Pokoknya Faiza bobok, gue masih lanjut tuh. Oiya, sebelom Faiza bilang mau tidur, gue uda ngeluh-ngeluh laperr. Trus Faiza nyuruh makan, yaudah gue bilang kan gue mau bikin mie tapi gatau kapan. Nah, akhirnya pas si Faiza masuk kamar trus bobok, gue kepikiran deh sama perut gue ini, trus akhirnya mutusin untuk bikin mie goreng.

Seperti biasa gue kalo makan mie goreng pasti harus pake sambel dan salahnya adalah saat itu gue terlalu ngasi banyak sambel, yaudah deh akhirnya gue kepedesan. Trus kepengen minum yang dingin-dingin. Pas gue cek kulkas, ternyata minuman dingin gue yang tersisa hanyalah.........KOPI. Hm.. gue mikir-mikir dulu pas mau ngambil, apa kagak ada minuman laen gituyeee. Tapi akhirnya berhubung gue lagi kepedesan banget jadi gue ambillah itu kopi. SLURP! Huah, dingin! :DD Sangat memanjakan lidah gue yang rasanya kayak kebakar fuh. Trus gue kembali ke kamar gue dan belajar sambil minum kopi. Oiya, FYI itu uda sekitar jam stengah 12an malem lah. Gile dah. Acara belajar gue berlanjut, sampe akhirnya jam 2 pagi! Gue spontan langsung shock! Gile uda jam 2 pagi gue ga tidur tidur? Mau jadi apaan gile hari ini? Uda ada kuliah anatomi, uda gitu ada praktikum anatomi pula! Hadeuuuhhhh! Akhirnya gue berencana untuk hands off pas lagi praktikum hehe. Yaa leha-leha ajalah di pinggir meja praktikum kekekeke. Abis itu, gue langsung memutuskan untuk tidur. Gue nyalain AC, matiin lampu, narik selimut dan. I'm ready to sleep!

Tick tock tick tock. Gue ngga bisa tidur -_- akhirnya gue internetan pake BBgue. Tick tock tick tock. Still can't sleep -_- Akhirnya gue maen Word Mole. Tick tock tick tock. Gue justru makin semangat maennya wkwkwkwk dan pas gue liat's already 3.30AM!! WHAT THE?? Ini gue kapan tidurnya deeeeehhhh hadoooohhhh! Akhirnyaa, gue memutuskan untuk belajar lagi sampe subuh. Yaa daripada waktu gue terbuang sia-sia cuman merem melek di atas tempat tidur?! Yaa mendingan gue belajar deh. Akhirnyaaa, gue baca-baca lagi itu buku sampeee subuh. Abis adzan subuh selesai, tiba-tiba gue kepikiran ucapan Dhea. Dia pernah bilang, dia kalo abis mandi bawaannya pengen tidur meluluuuu~ soalnya kan badannya uda bersih, jadi enak buat tidur. Well, gue mikir saat itu "Ga ada salahnya nyoba". Akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk mandi.

Tadinya gue kepengen bawa HP ke kamar mandi. tapi setelah dipikir-pikir, ntar kalo basah repot dah. Yaudah akhirnya gue ngga bawa HP ke kamar mandi. jadi, abis itu gue ngambil peralatan mandi gue dan menuju ke kamar mandi. Mata gue emang uda rada sirepsirep tapi kagak mau tidur hadeuuuh.. Nah, gue masuk ke kamar mandi dan pintunya gue tutup............. BRAK! Dan.............sejenak di dalam kamar mandi gue menahan diri untuk bergerak dan tetap menghadap ke pintu kamar mandi. Abis itu, gue menghela napas panjang. Kenapa? KARENA GUE BARU INGET KALO PINTU KAMAR MANDINYA RUSAK< JADI KALO DITUTUP GABISA DIBUKA DARI DALEM -_- huft banget daaah. Tapi dengan brain power (halah) gue mencoba untuk optimis dan mencoba membuka pintu itu, KREEEK (handle diputer) trus BRAKKK (gue ngedorong pintu dengan bahu gue kaya di pelempelem) dan hasilnya... OUCH! (sakit menn -_-). Haemm, yaudahlah akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk mandi dulu dan berpikir toh nanti kan orang-orang pada keluar ngambil wudhu bbuat sholat subuh jadii yaa tenang ajalah. Akhirnya gue mandi tuuh~ gue lama-lamain mandii. Gue gatau itu gue mandi berapa menit yang jelas gue masuk kamar mandi sekitar jam stengah 5 kurang lah. Selesai mandi, gue bengoooong aje di kamar mandi.. Kadang nyoba buat ngebuka pintunya. Kadang gue teriak manggil Karina atau Dhea atau Faiza atau Dinar. Gue mikir, yaa paling bentar lagi Dinar keluar ngambil wudhu, kan dia bangunnya paling pagi, atau mungkin Faiza atau Dhea? hmm... Tapi tiba-tiba gue baru inget kalo Dhea lagi ngga sholat JEGERR! Kalo Karina kan nonmuslim, jadi uda pasti doi ngga sholat.. tapi jarak kamar dia dengan kamar mandi yang deket bikin gue berharap.

Tick tock tick tock. Gue gatau uda jam berapa saat itu. Tapi yang jelas mungkin uda jam 5 lewat-lewat dikit. Soalnya langit di luar keliatan mulai biru (gue bisa liat dari ventilasi kamar mandi). Abis itu gue juga masih teriak teriak minta tolong dan teriakin nama Karina, Dhea, Faiza, dan Dinar. Tapi ngga ada satupun yang dateng huft..... Trus tiba-tiba gue kepikiran sama Rachel Sexton di novelnya Dan Brown yang Deception Point pas doi terdampar di atas sebongkah es di kutub utara. Trus doi mukul-mukul es tempat doi duduk dengan kode morse! Katanya sih di bawah laut itu ada kapal selam milik AS yang suka mengintai gituuu~ Tapi gue bikin kode morse bukan buat kapal selemnye AS, tapi buat temen-temen gue yang lagi bobok nyenyak di kamarnya wkwk. Gue juga mikir, kan si Dhea anak pencinta alam, harusnya doi ngerti lah kode kode morse. Yaudah deh akhirnya gue pukul tuh tembok kamar mandi : "Dug dug dug....dug...dug....dug dug dug" Begitulah kira kira bunyinya wkwk. Gue pukul di tembok, di pintu kamar mandi, kagak ada juga yang nyaut hemmmh mungkin gue aja kali yee yang mikirnya terlalu hi-tech -_- hassszzhhh. Gue tereak tereak deh minta tolong, tapi kagak ada yang denger juga. Langit uda mulai terang. Akhirnya gue tereak lagi manggil nama-nama temen gue lebih kuenceengggg! And finally, gue denger suara pintu kamar kebuka! Trus, terdengar suara langkah menuju ke kamar mandi dan teriak "Siapa yang ke konci?". AH! Karina! AA akhirnyaaaaa :'). Gue langsung jawab, "GINA NIH KARINAA! Tolongin dooong". Akhirnya Karina mencoba untuk ngebuka, tapi gabisa -_- hadeuuh. Trus dia bilang mau minta tolong sama Dhea. So, Dhea di bangunin dan menuju kamar mandi dengan mata yang masih sepet sepet (katanya). Dengan piso dia buka deh dan.... TAA~ DAA~ alhamdulillah gue keluar juga akhirnya huohohuhuhu :""") Maacih Dhea~~ Gue langsung balik ke kamar, tidur hahaha FYI gue juga lagi ga sholat jadi gue bablas aje hehe.

Bangun bangun entahlah itu jam berapa pokoknya gue langsung ganti baju trus ke kampus hehe. Sampe di kampus, gue berniat tidur pas kuliah karena yang ngajar Dokter Subagjo hehe. Tapi ga tega sama doi jadi kembali ke rencana awal deh --> tidur pas praktikum :D Tapi..........ternyata gagal juga -_- kenapa? Karena pas praktikum dikasih sediaan otak yang udah dipotong-potong dan diberi tanda dan keterang itu bagian apa!!! WHAT THE BELLL??!!! Dengan terpaksa gue ngafalin itu bagian otak sambil ngantuk-ngantuk. Gue juga cerita ke temen-temen sekelompok praktikum gue kalo gue cuman tidur sekitar 1-2 jam aja hari itu karena gue minum kopi tengah malem. Dan Wijo, salah satu temen gue langsung bilang, "Wah, bagus sekali itu pasti ga tidur sampe pagi".And..........he's totally right!!!!!!

Gue nggak ngerti banget sama badan gue yang ngga tahan sama kafein dan susu zz. Minum frappuccino atau mochaccino apapun itu lah yang diminum pake float or not, gue tetep aja ngga bisa tidur setelahnya!!! Hayezzhhh! Dan kalo gue minum susu, wadoooh gue uda kaya dikasi obat tidur -_- langsung sirepsirep, bleggg, grooogggh groog (tidur maksudnye hehehe). Hmm, sebegitukah efeknyaa?? :') sedih bener nih huhuh.

Yaudah sekian sih cerita gue hehe. Oiya, gue tadi sore dapet kabar kalo SNMPTN Tertulis 2012 diumumin besok, Jumat, 6 Juli 2012 jam 19.00~ Wooow, dimajuin juga ternyata! Yaah, semoga adek gue cupcupmuahmuah diberikan hasil yang terbaik sama Allah, aamiin! Semoga aja doi seenggaknya nyangkut deh di SNMPTN ini :) Kalo SNMPTN masuk kan hati terasa lebih nyaman :) walaupun mungkin ngga dapet pilihan pertama, tapi yaa tetep aja, yang penting uda ada PTN di tangan :)

Mis mejores deseos para ti, mi hermana! :D

Tuesday, July 03, 2012


Yap! It is fixed that I'm gonna come home late, precisely on August 8th. Thankfully, I've already made myself accept whatever happened. So, it's kinda easy to face it. So.... here's the details. I've planned to come to my campus this morning to see my anatomy score. As I arrived, I met some friends who also wanted to see the score.  After waiting for almost an hour, we went to the Department of Anatomy and Histology to meet our professor. There, I met Doctor Tjat, who is also a lecturer for anatomy. He asked me and my friend about those "things". And we answered we had no idea about who's done that. He also told us that he knew the names, but he's still waiting for their confession. He said, the score will be published if those kids confessed about what they'd done and regarding the score hadn't been published yet, so there wouldn't be any remedy for anatomy. "If needed, all of the students could repeat it in the next year", he said. I suddenly was like being stroke by a lightning. WHAT? No remedy? Fear came to me while I was keep wondering what my score was. Desperate for waiting too long, I decided to buy some refreshments in the cafetaria. Actually I decided to go home after I've done drinking. However, in the middle of my way to exit, I met another professor, well a kind one, and ensured her that we couldn't see our scores. Then, she answered, "You friends are queuing to see the score in front of the secretary office". I just thanked her and walked quickly to the target.

Waiting, waiting and waiting. So many students there -_- I had to wait about half an hour to finally get my turn. When it's my turn, I walked into the office and met this professor, named Doctor Alim. He's a very kind old man. Well, not that old actually. I greeted him nicely and then I was asked to sit. He asked me my student number, he mentioned my name to make sure it's correct, and asked me a few questions, like "How's your preparation for the tests?", "Have you been studying for the test?", "How's your opinion about your score? It'd be good or not?". And I just answered with a little smile and laugh and said "I don't really know, but I've tried hard to reached the highest point". He just smiled and said that I had time to kick it up, then he told me my scores. What makes me feel motivated is he said that I could do better because I had that potential, my practical score was very high, he said that I could do it, so why didn't I try it. I admitted that I was weak in theory -_- I don't know, I just can't remember it fully and perfectly.

SOOOOOOOOOO~~ the conclusion is...I'll be homed on August 8th. Huahm, gonna spend this 1 more month in here, in Surabaya. FYI, I've bought my ticket. Garuda Indonesia is soooo cheapy on that dates. Maybe because it's in the middle of Ramadhan, well dunno... Got the ticket only for 450K rupiahs! ;) Well then, I should go back to my book because I don't wanna waste this precious holiday-time that I've sacrificed for my GPA by doing something nuts and ends with not getting the best score.

"You can't always get what you want"
- Rolling Stones

Monday, July 02, 2012

Coming Home Late

Just heard some unhappy news about my college thingy..huh.. Just figured out that some friends cheating on anatomy final test. Great. And now if you wanna know the score, you should ask your professor. ARGH. And I'm not good in this part. When I heard the news, my hands became so cold (me got nervous). I really wanna go home soooooon~ meet my family and my friends.. But, I promised, whatever happened, I'll just accept it sincerely. So here it goes.

My cost-mate, Faiza, told me that she and I had a remedy for Human Structure Module. I just shocked! I thought I've done good enough for it. I'm anxious right now and also wondering about my anatomy scores. Is it well? Will I pass? I hope so. I hope this module is the first and also the last remedy, so I can get home soon. And sadly, I won't be homed when my sister's SNMPTN result is announced. Ya Allah, please let me go home before Ramadhan starts :"""

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Mario Bros and This New Look!

Hi again! Haha this 'waiting' really makes me bored -_- so, I keep posting on my blog since I had no activity in this my second city. You know what I've done in the last 4 days besides praying for good scores? OK, I spent my no-lecture-or-test-day on playing computer games, posting on this blog, watching House M.D. series, and going to a mall. ARGH I wanna go home soon :'( but this post will not about my want to go home. This is about Mario Bros. Yeah, all of you know about this game with that typical music background :D

A glance info, Mario Bros is an arcade game published and developed by Nintendo in 1983 and was developed by Shigeru Miyamoto (I thought this is American games :p). So, Mario is an Italian-American plumber who has to defeat some weird (I think) creatures that have been coming from the sewer below New York. And Mario has a lot of game version~

So, here it is, the game version I played is Mario Forever. It has 8 Worlds (I don't know how many worlds in Super Mario Bros or Mario Bros). I'm really addicted to this game! I always try and try to get to the new world. Until I reached the World 8. It's so difficult! I had to start from the sub world 1 because I hardly solved the World 8-3, a castle with lava running -_- I stuck on this world, but I didn't give up (sounds exaggerating :p). I've tried maybe 50 times, well I don't know exactly, I didn't count it. And then I finally finished it! Taa~daa~

Mario and the Princess
GAHAHA I beat the Spiky Turtle King! Yeaaayyy!! At first, it's so hard, but I still can managed it to win :D. I'm so happy that I finally finished it haha. But it made me feel a bit bored because I have no games to be played ._.

OH and the new look~ I actually want this template before the previous one, but I couldn't change the picture on the right side. But hey, now I can, so I apply this template :D The new fresh look starts from July 1st haha

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Imaginary Boys

Imaginary boys? Yap. Ini sebenernya uda lama banget pengen gue ceritain hahaha. Ini menyangkut hobi gue yang suka baca komik. Well, ngga hobi-hobi banget sihhh~ tergantung ceritanya hahahaha. Kalo baca komik, genre komik yang gue baca adalah : COMEDY. Hmmm, gue inget-inget deh yaa, kayanya sih ngga ada genre lain yang gue baca. Yaaa, paling biasanya ditambah romance-romance dikit ya oke laah. Oiya, dan gue ngga suka komik SHOUNEN! Aduh istilah apa lagi tuh? Wkwk. Yaa, kalo Shounen itu macem Naruto, One Piece gitu gitu. Gue demennya komik SHOUJO, macem apa ya? yaaa pokoknya yang girly girly gitu deh wkwk aduh malu sendiri gue mengakui ini ckck. Shoujo kayanya sih ngga jauh jauh ya dari romance. Hmm, tapi gue juga ngga demen sih kalo romance-romance banget haaa haha gimana deh. Yaa, lanjut deh yee..

Jadi... gue uda baca beberapa komik. Beberapa ada yang kelar, tapi beberapa ada juga yang nggak. Nah, kali ini nih gue mau nyeritain beberapa karakter cowok yang keren banget *menurut gue* wkwk aduh ngga keren sih, tapi bikin "aawww" aja hahah. There are 3 nominees. OK, let's starts from number 1.

1. Sagara Sousuke (Full Metal Panic)

OK, mungkin ada yang bakalan shock kalo gue baca komik ini wkwk. Ya, genre komiknya emang ecchi alias agak-agak yaa begitulah. Tapi, gue ngga baca komiknya, tapi baca novelnya. Kenapa? Karena sebenernya ini komik aslinya dari sebuah novel. Trus direalisasikan dengan komik, tak lupa juga dengan anime. But, it's a no no, gue ngga merekomendasikan komik dan animenya. Anime yang keren cuman yang The Second Raid (yang ke #3) dan itu berakhir gantung (jadi, padahal ada lanjutannya tapi ngga dibikin gitu, kan bete). Jadi, gue lebih merekomendasikan novelnya. Novelnya juga ngga kalah keren loh. Bahkan menurut gue novelnya paaaling keren. Kenapa tiba-tib
a gue bisa tau ada novelnya? Karena gue ngga terima ending dari The Second Raid cuma begitu, it's like : I want more! This is exactly not the end of this story! Yaudah, gue search di gugel, eh nemu deh kalo ternyata FMP ini novel. Dan gue baca dari mulai SMA kelas X sampe gue intensif mau SNMPTN haha jadi kalo bosen, gue uda sedia novel ini di hp gue. And then, how's the end of the story goes? PERFECT! Pas banget seperti apa yang gue mau aaww. Ok, sebenernya gue ngga ngebahas tentang FMPnya yaaa haha. Gue ngebahas tentang Sagara Sousuke-nya.

Sip, jadi si Sousuke ini adalah sersan di organisasi militer namanya Mithril. Yaa, lo mesti baca lah atau ngegugel sendiri nih cerita gimana. Pokoknya doi ditugasin untuk ngelindungin cewek, namanya Chidori Kaname. Kenapa? karena mereka seumuran. Dan...Sousuke itu kereeeenn banget aagagaga. Personality? Hmm, doi itu pendiem, I mean talk-less, over-protective, war-minded, apa-apa pegang make pistol (maklum doi ceritanya selalu berada di war-zone), clumsy plus kocak ahah. Tapi, as the story goes, ternyata overprotectivenya doi ke Kaname itu ada sesuatu gitu. Aww~ hmm gimana ya menjelaskannya. Gue baca dari awal sampe abis itu novel, jadi gue merasakan kira-kira doi kaya gimana wkwk. Perfecto banget! Uda jago bela diri, doi juga bertanggungjawab pas si Kaname diculik sama Amalgam (lawannya Mithril). Part yang paling gue suka adalah waktu Kaname bilang kalo dia suka sama Sousuke dan Sousuke pun juga bilang hal yang sama. Awww~ itu uda book berape ye :/ uda jaaauuh banget dari ending The Second Raid, Kaname baru berani bilang dia suka -_-. So, I think, Kaname's just so lucky to have a hmm bodyguard(?) like Sousuke :">

2. Tamaki Souo (Ouran High School Host Club)

Nah, ini uda kumplit gue ladenin semua versinya wkwk abisan lucu baaangettt! Mulai dari anime, trus komik, bahkan sampe live actionnya uda gue tonton! Fortunately, live actionnya sama kaya di komik dan anime sih, jadi asik aja :3

Yak, jadi. Tamaki Souo itu karakter utama untuk cowok. Haemm, sebenernya doi agak annoying sih yaaa hahha tapi kocak hahaha. Ini beda jaauuuh banget sama Sagara Sousuke. Sousuke tipikal pendiem, garang, war-minded, kalo Tamaki ini.........hmm mellow, lebayyy, geje, innocent, plusss narsis ngga ketulungan. Yaa, pokoknya Tamaki ini ketua Host Club gitu di sekolahnya (aneh-aneh aje sekolahnye). Trus pokoknya doi berasa "Prince" gitu deeeh ckck. Kenapa gue suka? Gue juga gatau ya? Menurut gue, kalo di komiknya ngga ada doi ngga seru haha. Problem kehidupannya ruwet. Tapi doi bisa nyelesain. OH! Dan dia itu easily touched!! Ya, gue merasa ada kemiripan di situ haha no kidding, tapi gue emang ngerasa punya sifat itu. Doi sanking lugunya ngira perasaannya dia ke Haruhi (tokoh utama) adalah perasaan ayah ke anak wkwk aduuuh gejenya ini ceritaaa~ Tapi untungnya akhir akhirnya dia dapet pencerahan ahaha. Di komik ini, awal ceritanya emang ringan. Yaa, masalah sekolah dan kehidupan remaja. tapi makin ke belakang makin ruwet. Soalnya makin jelas background si Tamaki, yang ternyata..............aaaww kasian sihh.. tapi untung hepi ending :D

3. Usui Takumi (Kaichou wa Maid-sama!)

Gyahahaha, another shoujo~ Yang pertama ngga shoujo sih haha. OK, yang ini.. gue lupa kapan gitu gue pertama kali baca. Kayanya pas awal-awal kelas XII, dan gue langsung babat abis ampe chapter terakhir yang uda di aplot. Hmm, still on going until now. Dan kayanya sih mau selesai bentar lagi, soalnya masalah-masalah mulai akan diselesaikan. But, who knows?

OK, Usui Takumi. AAAAA~ ganteng? gue gatau letak ganteng sebuah gambaran tangan manusia ada dimana wkwk. I can't decide it! Kebanyakan sih yaa, gue terpesona dengan personalitynya. Usui ini.....COOL banget. Ceritanya cowok paling pinter di sekolah, paling ganteng (didn't find it), paling sportyyy, paling segalanya deeehh! Impossible sih, tapi terbukti waktu itu gue pernah baca di chapter berapa, doi itu bisa semuanya! Ganteng (katanya), pinter, jago masak, jago beladiri, jago maen bola, jago bahasa inggris, kaya pula! Bahkan si Misaki (si Kaichou-nya) masaknya jauh banget dah kalo dibandingin si Usui haha. Oiya, trus yang gue suka, doi sangat ngelindungin si Misaki dan mau berkorban buat Misaki! Aww..Tapi, si Misaki juga gue suka sih. Dia nunjukkin kalo dia gamau jadi cewek yang lemah. Kalo tentang lindung melindungi si Usui, emmm kinda similar to Sagara Sousuke, tapi di sini Usui ngelindunginnya lebih ke....apa ya? Oh, kalo kata Dina, ngelindungin tapi dengan cara yang posesif haha. Yaa begitulah. Doi juga punya masalah kehidupan yang mirip kaya si Tamaki. Hmm, ini karakter ini kayanya campuran Sagara sama Tamaki ya? :/ Ah, pokoknya keren deh!

Ya, itu 3 imaginary boys gue haha. Mereka itu terlalu perfect. Yaa, walaupun si pembuat cerita uda masukin beberapa masalah-masalah untuk ngasih kesan "nobody's perfect", tapi tetep aja.. They're too perfect!!

P.S. Kok di sini si Tamaki sama Usui miripmirip ye? haha