
Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Past Life Story

Last night, I couldn't sleep though it's already in the midnight. So, I turned on my phone and checked my Facebook account. No new notifications or messages. Suddenly, a flash memory came up on my mind. My elementary friends.. How are they doing? We're now college students. It's been about 6 years and I haven't met them! We've been friends for 6 years straight plus my elementary school didn't do the err randomisation or something. So, 6 years in my elementary school, I got these same bunch of friends! And I've never got bored with them haha.

Then, I found their Facebook account. I took a look at some of their photos to see whether their faces have changed or not. Well, it's a bit funny because they still have their elementary face! HAHA The difference is just like....perhaps taller than before or more mature or more gilrish(?) err ya something like that. And finally I found these guys' accounts. My......ex novio. You know, my tongue's just got itchy whenever I tried to say 'that' word in English or in Bahasa. So......better if I wrote it in other language ;) Oh, and let's call them, A and B. I just found out that both of them is now studying business....or something social I don't know, I just forgot. And the memory of them has just reminded me of something that I've done in the past.

My past life? Totally different than my life today. My family wasn't that religious like now. My father rarely prayed at the mosque. That dakwah radio which is always played out loud in my house, was never played back then. We even didn't know if it existed. Everything was just plain.

How about me? Me... I was just like not being myself when I was in elementary school. I was kinda a quiet girl with many skills. That's what my teachers said. It's like almost a perfect girl. Why? academic, I always  got big 10 rank. In music, I can play keyboards and violin. Arts? Most of my drawings score was 90. In sports? Well, I can play nearly all the game and the P.E. test. Other achievements? I've joined many competitions to represent my school. See? I still admitted that I was great back then. But unfortunately, I left something. The most important thing in our life: our religion.

I haven't wear a veil when I was still in elementary school. A veil was just like a ....'something' thing. It's just a plenty people in our school who wore a veil or jilbab! I was far from Islam. Well, not only me, but my family too. Imagine! I was about 10 year-old and I already had a novio -_- It's A. He's the first. Well, actually it's a no status relationship, BUT STILL....... it was! -___- But, I didn't do anything err you know..anything weird or bad or something. We're just texting message with loveleeh language (*brb vomiting). Never gone out together. Of course! I was just 10 year-old! And's ended. I forgot how long it lasted. Well, it's nice to be forgotten though! :) #nooffense

In 6th grade, everyone's talking about junior high. Actually, I wanted to go to 'that' public junior high school, because all of my friends wanted to go there. So, I thought it would be nice if I also went to that school. You know, new school and the orientations stuff? I thought it would be easy to get through it if I already knew my friends :) But, my mom insisted me to go to another school. The greatest public school in this capital city. At first I refused what she wanted, but then I agreed to choose that junior high as my first choice. But~ (another but), in the middle of my preparation test, my mom gave me a test form for Labschool Secondary School! I was very interested because of the name! Haha I just thought it's cool : LABSCHOOL. It sounds like an international school, right? And in the end, I got into Labschool, not that greatest public school in the capital city. And...... I'VE NEVER REGRETTED IT AND I WON'T!

Then, when I was graduated from my elementary school, this B guy asked me out. Hmm...and I still don't know why I answered yes that night -__- So, I had a novio again when I was in 7th grade. I also didn't do anything...ya you know, anything weird. He always texted me. From I woke up until I got sleep. I never wanted to be called, so he kept texting me. But, again.. it didn't last long. Hmm, maybe just a couple of months, I broke up with him. And..... I'VE NEVER REGRETTED IT AND I WON'T. I made the right decision. What I regretted is.....when I said yes to go out with him. Why? Because it ruined my friendship. I lost my friend. I still think that he hates me until now. He's never said a word to me.

So, this thing became my first reason why I don't want to have any novio again. Besides, isn't it boring to have someone who always say "I l**e you" and you don't know till when they keep saying it? Well, me? I don't like it. And and... always text you everytime? Asking whether you've already arrived to your house or not or maybe asking whether you've already eaten or not? At first, it's kinda sweet but after that it's kinda annoying for me -_- It's that your responsibility to check whether I've eaten or not? Or maybe  the opposite, me have to take care of you? That's not my responsibility. Actually, I don't get the point of going steady with someone :/ haha

Those things that has happened always assure me to not have any novio, until I found the truth, that it shouldn't be my first reason. And.......for some reasons, my parents became more religious, so did the family. My whole life's changed. Islam met my interest.. I started to study more about my religion. Then... I found out that Allah has already told us that we mustn't get near to zina (Al-'Isra:32). And I took it as my first reason. I started to wear jilbab when I was 8th grader. It's like a revolutionary. Some of my friends shock in happiness seeing my positive changes. My life has changed 180 degrees. 

And right now.. I'm a medical student, just like what I've dreamt in elementary school. I was so grateful and thanked Allah for giving me this beauty of life. I can't imagine what will happen if I didn't enter Labschool.. If I didn't decide to break up with my novio.. If that happens, perhaps I won't be here sitting on my folding chair.. perhaps I'm not a medical student..perhaps I don't have such a small family like SP :') I love my present life. It's more meaningful, more colourful... much much better than my past.

So, what I'm trying to say is..... 
You'll have a great life if you live your life in His way.

Oh, and you know.. this post also made me realise that I am more mature now :) aaand finally I can post about my past life fuhuh

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