
Sunday, November 27, 2011

I miss you

I don't know, it's just this feeling come again. I miss you. I was so glad to have a phone call from you. I was so relieved when finally I heard your voice again, though you just asked me how much money that should be transferred. I don't know why, lately I really want to embrace you. Still counting days to go back to that place. December....please come soon! I really miss her.

I love you, Mum.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


You know, today's mine and I'm so glad no one congrats me in my Campus. Seriously, I'm glad. It made me feel so mysterious haha (you know I like being mysterious). OK, today's the Biomed midterm test score had come out. Well, after doing the test, I know that I wasn't studying well. And now I regretted it. Yeah, regret always come in the end. However, that thing fired me up. I'm not a kid anymore, I should be more mature while facing something that I don't like. I must not run away from this reality that my score isn't good. So, I should take this as a positive blow that I have to study harder, harder and harder. This is a part of my process to be a great doctor, so take it calm and be patient with it.

Fired up fired up!! :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Helloo, gue sudah kembali lagi ke Surabaya, kota Perantauan gue hahaha. Well, everything seems normal in Jakarta. Normal = macettooretoretoo zzz. Sebenernya banyak hal yang mau gue share di blog gue yang superduper galauundgeje ini. Tapi...........semenjak UTS Biomed, jadwal praktikum gue diubah jadi hari Kamis dan........WEEKEND GUEEE huhuhu TERANCAM HILANG huhuhu *nangis di pojokan* So, gue harus cepet-cepet nyeleseinnya.. Tapii................... (another tapi) karena laporannya harus sama sekelompok jadi rebecky gituuuu aarrgh!! Berarti kan harus nyocokin dulu lah and the blah... fufu Yaudah, itu aja untuk post kali ini wkwkwk GEJEnya ngga nahan yak haha bodo deh, das ist meine Blog kok :P Oiya, gue abis doing some exercise looooh #terusbangga

Then, skarang gue sudah memasak sayur :D hemm, dari pengalaman bikin sayur yang udah udah, ini yang paling enak sepertinya hahaha :9 Gotta eat my late-breakfast!

Friday, November 04, 2011

Going Back to Jekardahhh

Hi, I'm writing this post in Blue Bird Taxi #uhuy with Mr. Said as the driver. He's very nice. He comes from Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat. The weather is very cloudy and potential to rain fufufu. Actually, my flight is on 18.15, but err... I don't want to take any risk so now I'm heading to Juanda International Airport.

And you should know that FARISA is in the same flight!! I hope her seat's next to me. And I'm a bit dizzy right now -_- better stop typing in the car!!

BYE! See ya in Jakarta ;)

Thursday, November 03, 2011



It means :
1. Biomedical Midterm Exam is now D-5 (whatthebell!!!)
2. Tomorrow, I'm flying back home ~(^O^~) (~^O^)~
3. I should tell my Mum to pay this 'kosan' rent
4. Errr.......I'm not sure hahaha

What I actually mean is..........THE TIME IS GOING SO FAST YOU KNOW! :O
Still feeling that I'm dreaming right now .___. but that's impossible because lately I become insomnia grrr very nice for facing exams but not very good for my health, TOOOTALLY not good -_-