
Monday, November 30, 2009

Film Review : 2012

Everybody knows about the issue of Doomsday -well, 'they' call it that way, but I don't- 2012. Many people, including celebrities, functionaries and even the Presidents of some nations, believe in Doomsday 2012. 'They' said that in 2012 the temperature on earth will increase, there will be so many earthquakes and then the end of the world. Maybe from that, Roland Emmerich -the director- made this movie.

Frankly, this movie is very cool! Well, I like disaster movie and the effects are very great! The falling-fly overs, the Volcano, the Tsunami, they look very real. For the story, hm well, not very bad. The bad guys were dead. The good guys were alive hehehe. I thought the people will be dead and the earth will be shattered in the end, but no. The people weren't dead and the earth was fine. There just some changes of the continent. So, it's not a doomsday. It's just a huge disaster that happen in all over the world. Not a doomsday.

But, overall. The movie is quite good to be watched.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

My Birthday Agendaaa :D




hahaha.. oke, sebenernya gue capek juga nulis pake bahasa Inggris hehe so from now on I decided to use hmm... Bahasa Indonesia and English? or yeah whatever, go to the storyyyy :D

Well, sedikit curhat aje nihhh :D hari ini gue bangun jam 03:30AM masaaaaa??!! Gue nggak tau kenape bisa bangun jam segitu sihh... trus pas bangun, gue langsyungggg nge-sms 3 orang teman dekat gue (baca: Aya, Gadis dan Rahman) yang juga ulang tahun di tanggal yang sama :D so sweet yaaa hehehehe

Trus di antara 3 orang itu yang bales sms gue duluan adalah Sosis (baca: Rahman). Oke, dia adalah orang pertama yang ngasih selamat ke gue haha weeeeyyy applause! *plokplokplok. Trus, iseng-iseng gue juga buka FB (via mobilephone). Ternyata ehh ternyataaaaa! Tidak disangka-sangka, kakak kelas gue yang juga alumni SP yang sering gue sebut dengan nama Granny yang bergelar Jahady, yaitu Ferry, ngucapin selamat ultah ke gue paling pertama! Lebih dulu daripada si Rahman! Jam 12 teng HUAHAHA sungguh tidak disangka-sangka, applause lagi! *plokplokplok. Ternyata wall FB gue juga udah full sama ucapan Happy Birthday hihi :D senangnyaaa :)..

Okee, dari kemaren sih gue udah ngerencanain kalo hari ini gue mau lari pagi di Senayan. Trus Archery. Trus, nonton 2012 :D hihi alhamdulillah sih semuanya 'nyaris' kesampean. Cuman Archery-nya aja tuh yang nggak jadi.. fuuuuuhhh --"

tapi gapapa, pagi-pagi gue lari di Senayan bersama kakak tersayang yang baru pulang dari Grogol :D hihi seruuuu dehhh! Gue jadi inget pas OR Bersama sama SP45ku sayangg :) tapi sayangnya gue rada lupa sama tempatnye HUAHAHAHA maap ye, aye pikunan haha

pas lari tuh seru beudd (Aya style). Padahal cuman bedua sama Kak Oi, tapii hahaha ya begitulah.. kegilaan saya kambuh HUAHAHA banyak hal kocag terjadi di Senayan. Hm... mungkin sebenernya nggak kocag kali yee, tapi entah kenapa, gue dan kakak gue yang namanya Corry itu cekikikan terus sampe gue aja kagak kuat lari! (keabisan napas gara2 ketawa sambil lari! Hauahuaha). Di Senayan, gue juga ngeliat seorang bapak yang rambutnya mirip Edi Brokoli! Tapi karena warna rambutnya abu-abu, jadi malah terlihat seperti EINSTEIN! huahahhaa lagi-lagi gue dan kakak gue terbahak-bahak ampe tjapeque hahahaha

sebenernya di sana sih janjian nggak janjian sama si Mamen tapiii ujung-ujungnya nggak ketemu bzz haha abis lari trus kami berdua istirahat trus gueee latian mobil deehhhh di parkir timur haha yaa sekedar muter-muter di sono. Cukup menegangkan karena kebetulan disana lagi ada acara gitu, jadi banyak polisi dehh.. Hmm, gue yakin para polisi yang ada di situ tau kalo si "anak" yang lagi nyetir mobil Jazz merah adalah sedang belajar hahaha wong dari tadi muter-muter di situ mulu ampe bosen kali tuh pak polisi ngeliatnye hahahah

abis latian nyetir, tujuan selanjutnya adalah SOEMANTRI BRODJONEGORO! Hahaha jemput Sarah. Huhuhu nggak jadi archery dehhh --" okay, next time. Sesampainya di Soemantri, eeehhh ternyata si Adikku Tersayang Tercinta muahmuah *hoeks masih shooting sinem!! Bzzz malayysiaaa... oke, jadi gue dan kakak gue nunggu sekitar 30 menit di sana. Huhhh, padahal jam 12.45 mau nonton 2012 ckckck.. capek beneran deh zzz

Setelah nungguin si Adek selesai shooting mm sekitar jam 11an, kami memutuskan untuk pulang ke rumah dulu. And guess what! sampe rumah bukannya beres beres, bersih bersih badan eeeehh malah nge-net zzz mentang mentang sekarang di rumah pake WiFi cckckck trus kelamaan nge-net baru berangkat dari rumah ke Peville jam.... JENGJENGJENG! Jam 12.40!! Oh em jiii, puhleasee.. dari rumah ke Peville emang deket, TAPI NGGAK 5 MENIT!! grrrr walhasil telat deyyy zzz yaa gapapa dehh yang penting nonton hahahah :p

selesai nonton mampir dulu di Paper Clip & Gramed hehehe asikasiiik, kami beli beli pernak pernik hihi si Ade sih tetep tertarik sama rubiks cube zzz gue mah udah puyengs.

Abis ituu pulangg dehhhh!! Wuihhhh kayanya hari ini birthday paling asik ddehhhhh hahaha alhamdulillah masih punya saudara-saudara yang bisa nemenin jalan-jalan :DD

Thank you for today, Sist :D

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Troublous Task

Cinematography. This subject sounded very very amusing (at first). No no. Actually, it sounded amusing and interesting when I knew there's a new subject called Cinematography in my new school, SMAN 8 Jakarta.

Now I have studied in there for two years (this year is my second year) and this year, school have changed the Cinematography teacher. Before we go to the story, I have to tell you one thing that you should know about my previous teacher. He was a really kind and cool person. I really like the way he taught us. He's really patient and liked to make some jokes by making ugly photos. Well, for me it made my bores went away.

Okay, back to this story. Well, it began when my class making noises. Then, my new Cinematography teacher went mad and made my class felt uncomfortable. After that, my teacher gave us a homework. No no no. I mean a task. The task was : think an idea and pour it into a story. oh! I forgot to tell ya! This task is for the first score test. We should make a video clip from the story.

Maybe you think that this task is really reaally eaassyyy.. Yeah you think! But for me, no, it is not. This month is Ramadhan. And for Ramadhan, I have promised to not listen to the music anymore. Or you can say, No More Music in My Life. It's one of my project to be a better girl, a better akhwat.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Boring huehh

Well, I'm busy but I'm bored. So, I post this meme questions hahha. I took it from my best pal's journal, Rina. Okay, let's start!
  1. Full name? Gina Mariana
  2. Male/Female? Female
  3. Were you named after anyone? My parents
  4. Does your name mean anything? Well, actually there's no spesific means. My parents gave the name to me because they want me to be like Siti Maryam, the holy woman and mother of Nabi Isa
  5. Nickname? Gina, Ken, Ginger, Gince etc.
  6. What do you think you look like? Mysterious person!
  7. Date of Birth? November 15
  8. Place of Birth and current location? Jakarta, The Metropollutant City kekekek. In Tanjung Barat, South Jakarta.
  9. Nationality? Indonesian, but I would like to change it.
  10. Astrology sign? Scorpio
  11. Chinese astrology sign? Monkey huehh
  12. Religion? Islam and I'm PROUD.
  13. What's your favorite smell? Something tasty
  14. Political Position? Well... I... don't... have any
  15. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Milk!
  16. Hair + eye color? Black hair and dark brown eyes
  17. Do you look like anyone famous? Some people said that I look like "Fulla" barbie doll, but I don't think so.
  18. What do you look like? Wear Jilbab, use glasses, round face with pimples, small eyes
  19. Any unusual talents? I can play violin :)
  20. Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous? Righty
  21. Gay, straight, bi, or other? Straight
  22. What do you do for a living? Praying, eating, drinking, education, socialisation.
  23. What do you do for fun? Playing on my computer, listening to the music, reading novels
  24. Materials to work with? My Lovely Pentel Side FX 2000 Mechanic Pencil, my stupid PC, my agenda.
  25. What kind of materials would you like to work with? My Pentel Side FX 2000 Mechanic Pencil
  26. Have you met your grandparents? I haven't met my grandpa (my father's father), he's gone when I was a little.
  27. Boyfriend/Girlfriend? umm..... I have. But now, I don't have and don't want to.
  28. Crush? Uh-huh
  29. What celebrity would you date if you could?
  30. Current worries?
    Summative Test!
  31. Favorite online guy/girl(s)? Sainsta 45 :)
  32. Favorite place to be? Home sweet home and X-D class of 2011
  33. Least favorite place to be? School
  34. Do you burn or tan? No.
  35. Ever break a bone? Alhamdulillah, I haven't.
  36. What is your favorite cereal? Honey Stars and Corn Flakes!
  37. Person you cry with? ALONE
  38. Any sisters? Yes, 2 Sisters.
  39. Any brothers? Yupp, ! old brother.
  40. Any pets? No.
  41. Any illness? Eggs allergy and it's annoying.
  42. A pager? No
  43. A personal phone line? No, but I would like to have :)
  44. A cell phone? Yes
  45. A visible birthmark? Nope
  46. A pool or hot tub? No
  47. A car? My parents'
  48. Personality? Intrapersonal
  49. Driving? Still practising
  50. Your clothing style? Casual
  51. Room? Not a big room, comfy but messy.
  52. What’s missing? My allergy medicines
  53. School? Yeah, SMAN 8 Jakarta
  54. Bed? Small but comfy
  55. Relationship with your parent(s)? Perfect.
  56. Do you believe in yourself? Yepp
  57. Do you believe in love at first sight? hmm.. I don't know.
  58. Consider yourself a good listener? Maybe.
  59. Have a future dream that you would like to share? A doctor. But I don't know what doctor.
  60. Get along with your parents? Yes
  61. Save your e-mail conversations? Yeah.
  62. Pray? Yes.
  63. Believe in reincarnation? Of course no.
  64. Brush your teeth twice a day? Sometmes
  65. Like to talk on the phone? No, I prefer to send a message
  66. Like to eat? Yes:)
  67. Like to exercise? No.
  68. Like to watch sports? Yes of course! Espspecially, when Liverpool FC or England play on the game.
  69. Sing in the car? No
  70. What is a dream that you have all the time? Can be in the heaven
  71. Dream in color? No
  72. Do you have nightmares? Sure.
  73. Sleep with a stuffed animal? No
  74. What's right next to you? My new glasses :D
  75. What's on your favorite mug? Nothing. It's plain.
  76. What's on your mouse pad? I don't use it.
  77. Your favorite flavor of gum? Strawberry Milk
  78. Your brand of deodorant? Rex*na
  79. Your dream honeymoon spot? hmm.. just dream honeymoon right? hmm.. Paris or Mecca maybe?
  80. Your dream husband/wife? A religius, smart, handsome and loving man.
  81. What's hiding in your closet? My diary (sometimes I put it in there)
  82. Under your bed? My diary (sometimes I put it under my bed) and of course, dust.
  83. The name of one of your closest/best friends? Nurina Sevrina
  84. Your bed time of the day? 10:00 pm
  85. Your worst fear(s)? Hell!
  86. What's the weather like? Rainy <3
  87. Your favorite time of year? Ramadhan :) and Iedul Fitri of course!
  88. Your favorite holiday? Semester vacation
  89. A material weakness? No
  90. The weirdest food or drink that you like? I don't have any.
  91. At the top of your "to do list"? Study PHYSICS!
  92. The hardest thing about growing up? Leaving the childhood :(
  93. A pet peeve? I don't have any pets.
  94. Your scariest moment? when I have a nightmare!
  95. Your attitude about love? hmm.. shy to confess that I love him
  96. The funniest or most desperate thing you've done? Lipsinging in my room
  97. The worst feeling in the world? When someone that I love has gone.
  98. The best feeling in the world? when I met him! hahaha nono, when I gathered with my family and friends.
  99. Who sent this to you? No one. I took it by myself.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

BS (Brother Sister) Announcement :)

For Sainsta 45, here's the list :)

  • Tiza - Ica :Pras - Rizqa
  • Linggo - Lia : Hanifi - Cici
  • Imeh - Detti : Revi - Fika
  • Gina - Marsya : Gefa - Mita
  • Adi - Pandu : Firky - Bisma
  • Fikri - Intan : Rahman - Gina
  • Shidqi - Tuty : Naufal - Arrum
  • Riedha - Fitri : Acid - Anti
  • Checel - Nur : Nilam - Faridah
  • Gembong : Iqbal
  • Andan - Risna - Iie : Jola - Muthi
  • Bella : Firda
  • Fajar - Ari : Rina - Eki
  • Abt (Sabrina) : Dinar
  • Alima - Yoko : Mayang - Ibam
  • Chana - Andre : Zia - Rendra
  • Tari - Ami - Songko : Noumi - Nisa - Fadhel
  • Liza - Fatma : Anara - Nurul
  • Aghi - Rizti : Ria - Dian
  • Miya - Fabian : Kamila - Trigant
  • Yusra : Echa
  • Manda - Karina : April - Akmal
  • Adika : Dina

P.S. sorry if I made mistakes eheaheahe

Friday, May 15, 2009

Friend's Opinions about Me :D

Okay! Today, actually I was so lazy to go to school because I had a Maths class and I had to present my Chemistry group's task (the purpose of hydrocarbon in trading, arts and aesthetics). The first subject today was Maths and I was so crazy on this subject. And then, the second subject was Musics.

We didn't do anything confusing like we did in Maths. Our teacher, Mrs. Paulin, ordered us to take a piece of paper and write down our name on the paper. At first, I didn't know what would we do. But then, she explained that we were going to write down our friends' positive characteristics in their papers. To be honest, I was too lazy to do that. However, because all (well, almost) of my friends looked very excited about this thing, I felt excited too.

Okay. When the writings started, I felt it was sooo unimportant. The first paper where I wrote down the positive characteristics was my chairmate's. It's Tiva's. Well, I wrote her 4 positive characteristics. Then, I received another paper and I wrote down the paper owner's characteristics and so on and so on.

After I finished writing all my friends' positive characteristics on their papers, I received my own paper. And then, I realised that it was sooo interesting! I've known about my friends' opinions about me! And that time, I saw all my friends' face were so happy. Very very happy. Their faces were full of smiles and I really loved to see it :)

And here's my paper:

Thanks for all my beloved friends in XD for the opinions! I'll miss your craziness haha just kidding :D

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Digital Fortress Secret Code

Umm... I think this book is sooo oldie.. you know, it was published in 1998.. but, I read last year (hehehe) because, I was told by my teacher that this novel -Digital Fortress- was one of Dan Brown's great novel! A thrilling novel! And she told me last year. So, after being told by my teacher, I immediately read this novel and I was really satisfied :)

The novel is about a cryptographer (codes and cryptograms -maths and computer science- analyser), named Susan Fletcher. Well, actually in this post I don't want to talk about the story, but I want to talk about something special in this novel.

Ok. About 4 days ago, my younger sister has finished read this novel. And she told me that she was confused by the code that was given by Dan Brown at the end of the page. I was so surprised! I didn't know about any code at the end of the page! Well, maybe I thought it was the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) hehehe

Well, after my sister told me about the code, we were so excited about this thing. We were decided to solve the code and found the meanings. Here's the code:


At first, we were so confused about this thing, but we tried so hard by following the methods like Susan Fletcher did in the novel. However, we couldn't get what these code meant! Because I was so impatient, I searched it in google aaand... I found the First Key!

FYI: I was just peeking, okay?! I didn't read all the informations. As I found in google, these numbers were Digital Fortress' Chapter and all I had to do was take the first letter from each chapter. I also read in google that this code was for English version only and I was really annoyed because I bought the Indonesian version, not the English version. So, I scrolled down the page (I didn't see all the page, ok?!) and I found these:


These letters were the first letter from every chapter. The first thought when I saw these letters was The Caesar's Box (it was mentioned in the book when Susan Fletcher solved the last code). To make it sure it was The Caesar's Box, I counted the letters and it was all true! There were 16 letters! So, I immediately made a square (like in the novel) with those letters, 4 rows and 4 columns, like this:





Then, like Ms. Fletcher did, all I had to do was read these letters from the left top letter (W) to downward. Then, I revealed the secret code! The code is:


Frankly, I was so excited that I revealed the code!! Dan Brown is a genius! That's why I really admire his novels! :D

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Biopore : The Infiltration Hole

Perhaps some of you don't know about this hole. It' a hole called Biopore that can absorb water to prevent floods. The biopore method was first devised in 1976 by Ir. Kamir Raziudin Brata, MSc, a researcher and lecturer at the Soil and Natural Resources Science Department in the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (Indonesia).

By making this Biopore hole:
1. You can prevent floods
2. You can improve the soil's water absorpsion
3. You can change the organic wastes into compost and by that you can also reduce the greenhouse gasses (CO2 and methane).
4. You can help the land faunas and plant roots' activities to make another holes which then the holes can also improve the soil's water abrorpsion.5. You will improve the fertility of your soil.

How to Make Biopore??
If you want to know how to make this infiltration hole, you can read the steps below.
1. Dig a vertical cylindrical hole into the soil that is 10 cm in diameter and about 50-100 cm deep. Such holes can be dug in house yards, gutters, along terrace walls, open grassy fields and any place where rainwater collects.

2. (This step is optional. If you want to keep the intact, you have to do this step) Keep the rim of the hole intact by cementing it with a mixture that is 2-3 cm wide and 10 cm deep around the opening to keep it from eroding. Another alternative is to insert a 12-cm pvc pipe inside the upper part of the hole.

3. Shove in organic waste – kitchen scraps, plant remnants, dried leaves, cut grass and other vegetable matter. Such organic waste will attract small creatures such as worms and termites to enter the hole and create additional bioporic tunnels.

4. Don't forget to keep putting more organic waste into the hole since the composting process will gradually decrease the amount of waste already inside the hole.

After the hole’s maximum capacity has been reached, the compost inside can be taken out and used as fertilizer. The compost can be harvested over a certain period of time and used as organic fertilizer for plants.

Let's make this biopore!
Well, I have already :D

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Story from The Street

For me, this story is a great experience in my life. Because, I thought it would just happened in a story in my civics subject (you know, a subject that study about the law, Pancasila –as I live in Indonesia, so study that subject-) at school. But, I realized that it was happened to me. Actually this story happened on Sunday, May 10, 2009. But, I had no time to post it on that day.

Well then, on that day, I had test, an AFS test (a student exchange program). I got up early because the organizers said that the participants should be in their test rooms half an hour before the test start. OK, the test started at 8AM, so I had to be in my test room at 7.30AM.

As I arrived at the test place, STBA LIA Pengadegan, I was so surprised that there were sooo many participants! There were 1025 participants! Well, I supposed to not to be surprised, because hellooo?? It was an AFS test! Who didn’t want to study abroad? Ha!

Okay, okay, actually this main story is not about my AFS test but it’s about someone that I met after I had my test. That ‘someone’ was not my crush or even my ex-boyfriend, but that ‘someone’ was someone that I’ve never met before.

Let’s move to the front of this story. After I had my test, I went home by myself. My father didn’t pick me up because I thought he’s tired, so I didn’t want to make him more tired. I went home by public transportation called angkot. About 10 minutes, I arrived at TPU Kalibata shelter. At that shelter, I waited for Bus 62 (it would take me to the street in front of my house). I’ve been waiting for quite a long time there, but still there was no Bus 62. It was not like usual. Usually, there were so many Bus 62 which went through on that street. Then, an angkot stopped in front of the shelter and that time, I met someone that I’ve never met before, a decrepit old lady.

That old lady was looking at me (as I know, there’s no one else in that shelter) and giving her hand to me. At first, I didn’t catch what she meant, I thought she was begging me for money, but then I realized that she was asking for my help. She wanted me to help her up to the shelter and of course, I helped her. It was the first time, I touched someone’s hand before knowing their names or personalities. Her hand was so…. You know how it feels when you touch your grandma or grandpa skin? Yeah, it feels so dented.

Then, I helped that old lady to sit near me. When we were sitting together, she asked some questions to me. Like this questions below.

Old lady : “I will go home by bus 606, dear..”
Me : “Okay, ma’am”
Old lady : “Where do you want to go?”
Me : “I’m going to Pasar Minggu by bus 62”

And the conversation ended. I couldn’t leave her alone at the shelter, so I decided to go home after the old lady got into the bus.

It’s been about 15 minutes, but the bus didn’t turn up. Maybe the old lady had decided to get on the other bus, because when she saw the bus 62 coming, she shouted to me to get into that bus. Okay, then we were both in the bus 62. I sit near the driver beside a young man, but the old lady sit at the back. We were separated, at last.

After 10 minutes in the bus, a young man who sit beside me, get off from the bus, so I was alone. But then, the old lady came to me and sit right beside me. I was so surprised, that she still remembered me and … well, I don’t know what else I can say ha. Nah, for the second conversation, I started ask her about some personal questions.

Me : “What’s your name, Ma’am?”
Old lady : “My name? My name is Ijah”
Me : “Do you live by yourself?”
Old lady : “No, dear.. I live with my grandchildren”
Me : “Ohh…. Are your grandchildren still in a young age?”
Old lady : “Yes, dear..”
Me : “Where are your children? Why don’t you go out with your children?”
Old lady : “My children are working, dear.. I have 1 son and 3 daughters”
Me : “Where will you get off?”
Old lady : “At the Railway Station, the Robinson..”

Aaand the conversation ended. I thought it was enough to make her comfortable to sit near me. Hehehe. After I had a little conversation with Madam Ijah (Nek Ijah-Indonesian version), everybody started to stare at me. Maybe, they thought she was my grandma or what else? Oh I don’t know, just think what you want, ha! Well, after the conversation ended, I took a photo of Madam Ijah. Here’s the photo.

Maybe, the photo didn’t show you what actually she looked like. But let me explain it. On that day, she was in batik clothing with batik sarong and she also wore a blue veil. Like an usual old lady, she had wrinkles on her face.

After I took a photo of her, I realized that the bus had arrived at Railway Station. When the bus stopped, Madam Ijah immediately got off from the bus and walked away. Well, I got off there too,because I should take another bus 62 that would take me to the street in front of my house. I saw Madam Ijah getting into bus 606. I was so glad, she was finally in bus 606. I just passed her bus and got into another bus 62 and went directly to home without saying goodbye to her.

Well, that’s all my story. I think it was a great experience that happened in my life. I hope you, all the readers, and also me can help more people in this complicated life.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Make a Whale Tail to Stop Whaling Around The World!

About a month ago, I watched a video about Whales and Dolphins Massacre in an island called Faroe Island. Faroe Island is located between Norwegian Sea and North Atlantic Ocean. Faroe Island is an autonomous province of Denmark (as I found in the internet).

The video showed me the people in Faroe Island were hunting and killing the whales and dolphins. Some of them, like children and women, were watching their men cutting the whales and dolphins' head! I think what the people have done is a crazy thing. They didn't just killed one or two whales or dolphins! They killed about 30 whales and dolphins! It was insane! I did't know what they were thinking about when they did it.

Well then, about 3 days later, I saw a campaign ad on television. It was a campaign to stop whaling project around the world. The unique thing that make me interested to join the campaign is we can stop whaling project by taking a photo of ourself making a whale tail and upload it to

Here are some photos of the people who join the campaign by making a whale tail :)

Well, I've just uploaded my photo!
Now it's your turn to save these rare mammals!

Thank you for reading my blog :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I'm Back!

After about 4 months not posting to this blog, I decided to post a new stories, problems or even great news to this silly blog haha

I just want to share something that I know to you guys (and girls)!!
oh, I almost forgot to tell ya! For the next post, maybe I will use English because I want everbody in the world read about my lifestory XD haha
and also I'm so sorry if I make mistakes in my English because I'm not an English! (Ha! Whatever you said!)

thankyouu and ENJOYY :)