
Saturday, October 29, 2011


YES! New look! Well, not me o'course -_- but my blog. How is it? Is it weird? Uncreative? UGLY? HUAA yea whatever. I don't care about your opinion hahaha (then why did I ask? -_-) sorry for this unclearness.

Err.. talking about this new look..actually I think there's something that I missed. But, I don't know what it is. Maybe, I'll reveal it later on hahaha.

Oh ya, the picture on the right below (on my background) is a ginger, ya! You didn't get it wrong, eh? I hope every visitors notice it -_- and also I HOPE you guys don't get it wrong by guessing that is.......err weird thing or em...something, whatever.

NAH! Better stop this nonsense! BYE.

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