
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Troublous Task

Cinematography. This subject sounded very very amusing (at first). No no. Actually, it sounded amusing and interesting when I knew there's a new subject called Cinematography in my new school, SMAN 8 Jakarta.

Now I have studied in there for two years (this year is my second year) and this year, school have changed the Cinematography teacher. Before we go to the story, I have to tell you one thing that you should know about my previous teacher. He was a really kind and cool person. I really like the way he taught us. He's really patient and liked to make some jokes by making ugly photos. Well, for me it made my bores went away.

Okay, back to this story. Well, it began when my class making noises. Then, my new Cinematography teacher went mad and made my class felt uncomfortable. After that, my teacher gave us a homework. No no no. I mean a task. The task was : think an idea and pour it into a story. oh! I forgot to tell ya! This task is for the first score test. We should make a video clip from the story.

Maybe you think that this task is really reaally eaassyyy.. Yeah you think! But for me, no, it is not. This month is Ramadhan. And for Ramadhan, I have promised to not listen to the music anymore. Or you can say, No More Music in My Life. It's one of my project to be a better girl, a better akhwat.